Embracing Advent Peace

After hearing the the vile hatred spewn last night, celebrating open arms becomes even more important that even the day before.

We cannot allow fear and hatred to run our lives. We cannot allow it to run our country or our world.

It’s easy, because it’s so deliciously seductive. But it’s wrong.

We must make the invitation to Love easy, the invitation to Peace. We cannot spend our time (waste our time) pointing out what a ridiculous people the haters are. That’s a waste of time and keeps the focus on them.

They may not have that. We must be the ones who claim the attention with our open hands and open hearts.

We can be/become the ones that others desire to emulate – for the kindness we offer.

So we have to get busy.

Peace… we need to scream its possibilities. We need to embrace them — and one another, in all our glorious differences.

Embracing. Let’s.

Alternative Advent is 3¢ for every light switch in your house. Hey, it’s for the hungry kids. consider including the lamps.


Engaging in, Being Engaged By Advent Peace

Today’s Advent Word – Day 7 is engaging. It’s all the same use, really, but it always seems if I say I find something engaging, I am amused and charmed. Something is whimsical. But when I say I am engaged in a behavior we hope it’s powerful and purposeful and rewarding.

So I am absolutely delighted by Virginia Zimmerman’s new YA book: The Rosemary Spell. I find it wonderfully engaging. Sadly, I’m not engaged in reading it, because my work is pushing. So, I am stopped at page 67… what happens next? But hurry up, says her daughter, and go write a 5-star review! I told her I was finishing it before I wrote the review. I love her canniness!

But I am engaged in what I hope is Peace work. There’s nothing I believe in more fiercely. There is no work, I believe, that is more important. I have the areas I work in. You have yours. But it’s all Peace. Peace with the Earth, Peace on the Earth. (Do I believe there is Peace without working on climate change, no I do not. And I am grateful to those who take the lead on this in this valley.)

Engage in Peace during this season of Advent, and make it a life long love affair. Peace be with us and may we be with Peace.

Alternative Advent for December 7 is 3¢ for every pair of shoes, etc., in your house. Wow. Hair care and shoes close together? That’s a lot.




Sabbath Opening to Advent, to Peace

Today, in the advent wreathe we add the candle Love to the candle Hope. Love Makes things possible. This is the prayer my community will say in services this morning:

The Second Candle is lit for Love. Are you willing to open your heart to its abundance? Can you be generous with the world and its brokenness?

May I be a generous person, quick to open my heart to new friends, new places and new ways of doing things. May I be known as a lover of life, one who embraces the world as it is and works to temper its harshness with gentle acceptance. Blessed be.

It’s easy to resist this however, which is why today’s word is opening. I must open to the possibilities when everything within me is so ready to shut down. Fear makes you do that. Anger. Being just damned tired of the bullshit.

But today, I have a new book to read by Virginia Zimmerman: The Rosemary Spell … rosemary is my very favorite herb. I wrote my thesis to a candle of rosemary, knowing that the Greeks used rosemary wreaths as prizes for their intellectual Olympics.

It is my Sabbath, a time for reflection. It is Advent, a time for preparation for what is to come. It is time to open for Peace.


Waiting for Advent; Waiting for Peace

Advent is a time of Anticipation and Expectation. Peace must be that as well. It must be a wondered waiting to see what will emerge.

Waiting doesn’t come easy. But when you’ve set up and are ready but Godot hasn’t arrived, then you just have to wait. You can find wonderful ways to pass the time, but you can’t hurry the process.

So, do your work, and then engage yourself in life, and keep encouraging — but do not force. Wait on the world, it has so much beauty to show you.

Today’s Alternative Advent suggested donation is 5¢ for every bed.

Every bit of Peace’s coming into being is a challenge — one that is well worth the waiting and watching. Enjoy the Peace Process. Enjoy Advent.


Planning for Advent’s Peace

When life is too overwhelming, and it seemed that way yesterday, it’s time to make some plans. They don’t have to be huge ones. They just have to be tiny baby steps. Anything to move you from where you were to where you would rather be. And it’s better if those steps are considered… not just a blind rushing which often leads me in not so great directions!

I was tired. I don’t seem to be sleeping well. Is it the swimming? Is it the violence? Some weird balance. And when I’m tired, I get grumpy.

I’m not my best. In fact I can do a bad imitation of a two-year old in desperate need of a nap.

Some male, who needed to explain to this poor city woman, because of course I have to be one because I believe in sensible gun laws, didn’t understand the way all of rural USA is teeming with militias who needed their semi-automatic weapons to take down the government bent on forcing healthcare down their throats and disarming them.

Another rattled on about the threat from Muslims — and this is the first terror on these shores since 9/11… Too bad about the dead people at all the schools and Planned Parenthoods and churches. Too bad Gabby Gifford. No one can see you because your assailant was white.

I engaged. It’s a ridiculous exercise and not worthy of being indulged. and then I steamed. Dumb. So my dear friend grabbed me and threw a new idea at me. Here we are, trying something new. We’ll see how it goes. More about that later.

But the fact was a few small steps and we turned it around. ok. And a quick nap too. But planning. If you’re dreaming — it takes plans to make those dreams come true. And Peace and Advent are worthy of our dreams and our plans.

Alternative Advent today? 20¢ for every cell phone or mobile device. yep. it’s embarrassing! Think of it this way. Kids will eat!


Dreaming of Peace in Advent

Hope is the name of the first Advent Candle. Dreaming is the word I’ve assigned to this third day of Advent.

So many of these verbs, which are normally understood to have a passive voice, also have an active one.

So dreaming isn’t merely floating in some safe, beautiful vision of the future. It is also envisioning something desired and then designing the steps to get there. Dreaming involves, I believe, bringing those hopes to life.

Today, as we face the aftermath of another shooting, this seems particularly apt. I suddenly thought that someone might read this years from now and look back and say, shooting? what was going on in those times. Oh, may it be so… But I write for today.

I write frustrated because, since these shooters were Muslim, we now see them as terrorists. But the guy who killed people last week was Christian, so he was not. And yet,

Are not large numbers of people dead in both events? Did not both intend to overset the safety of civilians? Is that not terrorism?

Mourning doesn’t seem sufficient. And certainly the numbness that spreads through us is not a good sign. “Oh well, more people killed” is not an attitude to be cultivated. We must not allow ourselves to be overtaken by resignation.

So we must begin to purposefully, actively dream of Peace. We must move beyond our resignation and fear. We are the ones to bring Hope to the world. We are the ones to make Peace.

Alternative Advent — Day 3 suggests 3 cents for every pair of jeans your family owns.


Reflecting the Peace of Advent

I’m glad when Advent stops me in my tracks and demands a little bit of internal work.

And I love that Reflecting is a double sided word. It’s not simply what i take into me and consider; it’s also what I give out to the world.

So it’s something very precious and important. I must consider, who I am, what I do, how I love. And I must smile my best self back at the world. I must shine like the Moon and I want what I reflect to be beautiful. So I must do my internal work… I must shine back your beauty. It’s righteous work Good work.

And while we’re considering… Here’s the Alternative Advent for today: how many vehicles is your family lucky enough to have? Put 75 cents in the bucket for each one.

Peace, my friends. let’s work to fill our lives with Peace. And the lives of others.


Anticipation: Peace of Advent 1

Several years ago, I did a bunch of meditation cards for Advent. There was a word for each day. It was great. A couple weeks ago i looked at it.

Now? It’s totally missing from my computer. Can’t find it anywhere.

I guess that’s an invitation — and isn’t all of Advent.

Today’s word is Anticipation. This week is about Hope.

And if you’re doing the Alternative Advent Calendar, which is an opportunity to put money aside for a cause based on all the wonderful things you have in your life, today’s invitation is to put in 10 cents for all the hot water taps in your house. I get off easy. My little rental only has 3. 30 cents for me.

You are cordially invited to donate to the weekend food back pack program that my community supports here in the Susquehanna Valley.  You can find out more about the LOVE Project (Let Our Valley Eat) here.

I love Advent. I love the Dark of it, the Quiet of it, the Introspection of it. I love the Peace it brings to me and the way it asks me to bring Peace to it.

Ahhhh… I’m going to revel in every day. If you read me, you’re going to have to as well! Peace!


Deer Hunting Peace

This is not a facile connection. And yet. It is the first day of Deer Hunting Season. Our schools are not in session because of it. I could have written on something altogether different. But in my part of the world this is a big reality.

I eat meat. I’m a rural Pennsylvanian. My being squeamish about this is simply my pretending that the animals I eat were alive.

I know that many people around here depend on that meat for their dinner table. And some just like the taste of venison. Aren’t free range animals what we aim for? And I know the herds need to be culled so that the animals don’t starve to death this winter. Because that is not a way to die.

So i ask only that people be very careful. I have friends and relatives in the woods, please use your safety rules.

And be grateful to and respectful of the animals being killed. They too are our relatives.

Oh, and butcher it properly so you’re not driving around with a dead animal on the front of your car. Ick. Reminder to ann. Stay close to home these next couple days. so you can miss that sight. And oh, FB will be a bit fraught as well. As I said, I’m a rural Pennsylvanian.

Peace, folks. And be careful out there.



Sabbaths, Cycle of Life, Peace

My morning started in Beauty. I rolled over, and there was Miz Moon shining in my window. Hello, Thanks for dropping by. Thanks for watching over us.

I’ve had a busy week, so I’m happy to consider a day at home. It’s all been wonderful. But — enough. So today, Sabbath. Reclaiming my space from the detritus of travel and finding my rhythm at home.

Starting Advent. hmmm. not set up for that, but oh so ready… This afternoon the first candle will be lit:

Advent’s first candle is Hope. As we share the dreams we harbor for our lives, our families and for the world, let us reassure the world and one another: We are called to carry Hope in our hearts. Let us be those who offer visions of a better world and who work to make those visions reality. Blessed Be.

Today is a jumble of thoughts isn’t it? Moon? Reclaiming? Advent. (Hurrah, White Christmas!!!! Favorite Christmas Movie EVER!)

And lastly, I am so grateful to do the work I do. This week, in particular, I’m grateful for the celebrations of the cycle of life. I love it all. The brand new babies. The joining of lives. The new homes. The retirements. Even the memorials.

Such Peace as we begin my favorite season. I hope there’s Peace at your house and in your heart as well.
