The Peace and Beauty of the Day

Every day you get up the world is in the midst of being beautiful. I’m writing that today when it’s grey and blustery… when it’s November to its very core.

Some places they’re celebrating snow… not here of course. Welcome to Snowhole PA…

I’m simply delighting in the leaves swirling and dancing in the streets. I get to go to wowrk and do things I love. And then I get to come home and be with friends and family, family, family… my birth family who are local are coming to dinner to meet my beloved family who have arrived from California. Last night I held grandchildren in my arms and two amazing women who have allowed me to call them daughters of my heart. Way to go Steve Mitchell… thanks for the great gift of Love!

The times are as turbulent as the wind. But Love is as constant as time — if we let it be so. And Peace is there for the making.


The Last Leaves of Peace

Beauty has been hanging on the trees. But the stark bones of life are slowly revealing themselves. Tree branches write their story against the sky.

Some of what we’re seeing is ugly and frightening. But some of it is beautiful. It’s a long while until spring… We’re going to have to see the Beauty that is and help reveal it to the world. We’re going to have to be the Peace… both leaving and staying and coming.

And this just in — a friend just quoted Annie LaMotte: “We do not need to get it together before we show up.”


The Beauty and Peace of an Autumn Morning

It’s one of those days. Today is the reason we all love Fall — even those of you who hate Fall. We’ve had enough sleep and it’s a clear, beautiful, crisp morning. What’s not to enjoy? and Wow, you look great in that sweater!

The sun is playing a starring role this morning, reflecting off every shiny surface. That’s not always going to be the case for the next few months, so enjoy it!

Breathe in the Peace. Breathe it out. Store up the memories. Make space for more. Peace looks different every day — that’s asounding!


The Quiet Fall Fogs of Peace

When the land and the water are still warm and the nights begin to get cooler, mornings are often drenched in fog.

Fog is such a quiet, beautiful gift. It muffles the world and reminds us of the importance of Silence.

Also in a deep fog, it’s a good idea not to blunder around aimlessly. It’s hard to know where you’re going. So sit still and wait for the fog to pass.

Enjoy the Silence. Enjoy the Beauty. Enjoy the Peace. Happy Sunday, Everyone!


Heron of Majesty and Peace

This is one of those photos when you wonder why you bother to write! Fall fogs and large birds wading on rivers that somehow have found enough light to cast reflections.

It really is a reminder to look, look, look around. Every season has its beauty.

We just need to show up and be present. We need to allow ourselves to be fed by what is and, at the same time, fueled to protect it.

We need to stop being casual about what goes in the water. We need to stop being casual about Peace. It’s this morning, pictured here, and it’s everything that has to happen to make the river safe for the land and the birds and animals.


The Surprise of Peace

The world is plenty beautiful enough. But there is nothing wrong that I can see with occasionally gilding the lily.

Chihouly doesn’t have a subtle bone in his body. oh, I like that about him. Although actually, these beautiful tubes of glass are fairly ethereal… They float above this field of ferns and make you happy.

Beauty is great for happiness. Beauty and Happiness are both great for Peace. Celebrate!


Lunch in a Nice Peace

When I go out to breakfast, I often walk across the bridge to sit in the diner on the river.

It’s not the best breakfast in the world, or even the area, but it is the best view. Blueberry pancakes are so much better with the possibility of a glimpse of a heron or an eagle.

Terri had good lunch looking into the greenery. Who doesn’t love a meal at a seaside cafe?

My brother loves a good stream or a pond. My brother loves a pond so much that when they built their cabin they built a long narrow table facing the pond, so he and his wife sit together looking out at the Beauty.

Meals go better with Beauty. Let the water soothe you. Let the rustling leaves calm you. Let the brilliant views of sharp edged cities inspire. Any one of these is good for your digestion and your soul.

Offer your mealtime a bit of Peace. Life will be better for that.


Mountains of Peace

Tall, majestic, enduring. These are great qualities to inspire us.

Obstacles. In the way. Less exciting. But inspiring nonetheless — if we let the challenge settle…

And perhaps, we might see them as less than in the way, and more the way.

The way to Peace lies over the mountains. Even in the flat lands there are mountains between Peace and us. We must negotiate them to get to the Peace we want.

So no, I don’t climb mountains for recreation or because they are there. I climb them because the perspective can change my life, the way inspires me to adapt and the companionship (or the promise of it) encourages me to continue.

There is Beauty. There is Hope. There is Challenge. And always, always, always, there is Peace.


Soft Folds of Peace

Some evenings and some mornings, the beauty of the sky is enough to talk about.

It’s sad how infrequently we give ourselves time to “indulge” (indulge????) in the beauty of this world. Beauty is such an astonishing gift; we should honor it, not take it for granted.

It’s good to stop and gaze in reverence as the sun is going down, to notice the colors and shadows that are cast. It’s good to stop and gaze in wonder as the sun rises, and gently blesses the new day with beauty.

If we make time and invite others to share that with us, then we are sowing seeds of Peace. Perhaps that’s all the seeds of Peace really are, Beauty — and perhaps Compassion.

Let us give Peace and Beauty their due.


A Land of Peace

It’s astonishing how beautiful this country is. It’s vast and so varied in its landscape.

There is so much land that is undeveloped, huge tracts of beauty, each unlike the next. Did you know there are hills that look like fern leaves with their crevasses and greenery? I’d never noticed before.

All that beauty. All that bounty. And so much hate that roils.

I kept thinking, we owe the land more than this. We owe Love to this Beauty and we owe it to one another.

Can we take a Sabbath from the divisiveness? Can we dedicate some time to really hearing those on the margins? We could try a day, and if it works, contemplate a week of Understanding…

It’s a lot. It’s hot. Just try it for a day. Be your best self. Be a welcoming presence. Be the Peace and Understanding this world needs. Because this land is your land. This is your country.
