Summer Life is meant to be lived large. Out loud. Out side.
The Sun is dominant; it can be dangerous — everything has a flip side. Mother Earth who rules Winter can also be dangerous. But the Sun brings warmth; it brings food; it brings desire to the surface to simmer for all to enjoy.
Summer. Sun. Gardens. Pools. Abundance. Excess. Delight.
Everyone loves, if not Summer itself, at least some of the things that go together with it — picnics and family gatherings; sitting outside on a summer evening enjoying just being alive. All the berries, all the melons, all the vegetables. Yes indeed, indeed.
I had my first strawberry shortcake yesterday. I had my first garden lettuce. I’ll have some radishes for breakfast! MMMM.
The Sun is hidden behind some rather damp gloom, but the light is still with us. We are blessed by Summer. Let us be a blessing to the World. People are out and about. Smile and say hello! Offer Peace to all you meet. And mean it.