Honoring Flower Moon Beauty & Peace

I guess I’ve just spent too much time wandering around the neighborhood recently looking at all the amazing flowers. The Flower Moon is more than doing her job this year, calling beauty into the world. So when I saw the ravaged poppy I was sad.

Sad at first, because who does that. Ok, squirrels, but they’re squirrels and they just tear things apart. But this was ripped off at the stem and discarded. I can even accept, although they’re not yours, plucking a flower to enjoy. But this was not that.

I have a lot of poppy memories. I live with a lot my mother’s poppy paintings. Our wedding ketubah is passionate with them. And I have smiled at fields and gardens of them in a lot of places in the world.

My reaction about this, however, somehow took me right to the “In Flanders Field the poppies grow…” that sad, evocative WWI poem… There it was, a brilliant splash of red lying broken in the street. As we do with flowers, so we do with people.

I don’t want to make peace with that, I want, rather, to call for and make Peace. No more ruined flowers. No more ruined lives. Let there be Peace on Earth. Let us understand that Life is sacred. Let’s start that now.


We Need Peace With Earth

Earth Day is tomorrow. It’s having it’s 45th birthday.

On the one hand, people are aware and involved.

On the other, we are naive, oblivious and self involved.

It’s all very hard work. Many of us do some of the things we’re supposed to. We work to reduce, recycle, reuse. We compost. We drive better cars. And all of us have secret and not so secret places where we’re not really so good.

One of the places we often fall down is in the political involvement, because corporations do all sorts of dirty things that all the bricks in the toilet and turning off the water while brushing your teeth can’t begin to touch.

I think we also pay too little attention to the sacredness of this planet. I think that because we litter, we don’t pay enough attention, we accept that things are/will be polluted. Why is it a crime to desecrate a church and not the land? it has come to this, picking up trash, working to clean up streams, protesting pollution and unsafe practices is a life of prayer. Are we ready for that?

I know the original chant said it a little differently, but my group always sang it this way:

  • Where I stand is holy
  • Holy is the ground
  • Forest, mountain, river,
  • Listen to the sound
  • Love is all around me.

In this time of the Flower Moon, when Mother Earth so generously shares her beauty and promises her bounty, let us take off our shoes and stand in grateful reverence. And then let us begin the work of Peace with the Earth.


Needed: Pink Moon Sabbath Peace

The world needs a Peace that’s pregnant with possibilities. It needs a Peace that holds that Life is sacred and stops for a moment just to be present to it.

This weekend, which is the weekend of the first Sabbaths in the Pink Moon is just such a weekend to contemplate that Peace. Spring is, snow notwithstanding, burgeoning. This is a moment in time where everything seems possible.

Maybe we need to take a pause, relax and refresh ourselves… and as the song says: start all over again.

Right now, we’re watching one jihadist who grew from a basketball-loving kid — but there are thousands of them. The fault is not just in them, it is in a world that fosters that need for structured hate.

In moments when I feel most hopeless when I see what’s going on “over there,” I have to remember that some of that started here. I can’t do much about over there. I can do something, no matter how small about over here. Because today it’s Minneapolis, tomorrow it could be the Susquehanna Valley. Despair has made itself at home in a lot of people. And lest we point fingers at one religious group, let us remember our white supremacy groups of which my home state has so many. It’s the same hate, it just dresses differently.

We then, are the answer, the antidote, we and the inspiration of this beautiful spreading Spring and a new Moon of Possibilities. Let us pray… and then let us get to work!


Pink Peace Lunacy

We hear and we hear and we hear about things that are wrong with this world. And there are many things. Isn’t it time that we begin to create the things that are right with this world? Isn’t it time we be what is right with this world?

I’m still grappling with this notion of sacred honor… trying to understand what it means to me… thinking that perhaps it needs to mean something so that things change. I believe that we’re the change. And that people in parts of the world where change is much harder than here need to know that we believe that they’re the change.

Although it’s certainly easier for me to consider what the change might be here far away from some of the awful violence people are experiencing.

But if Spring can turn a white world into pink beauty, if the Moon can go from nothing to bursting, if we can begin again, then Lunacy is not impossible — and neither is Peace. Let us be Lunatics of Love and Hope and Peace. Let’s start now!


Only Peace in the Sugar Moon

Language has power. Words matter.

But it seems that things that have been in our lives forever don’t often get noticed.

I was really startled yesterday when I went back to that Ecclesiastes passage yesterday. It was a passage you heard a lot. Thanks to the Byrds and coming of age at the right time it was a song I heard and sang often…

But yesterday as it came to mind, I realize I really don’t believe this. I don’t believe that any God ordains war or hate or killing. There’s no gift of the Universe in racism, sexism, name whatever ism you can come up with.  No.

Today when Boko Haram and ISSL are declaring themselves engaged, I want to say clearly, I understand that they think their fanaticism is Divinely ordained — and I think differently. Very differently.

Whatever you hold as holy or precious is life-giving, not life denying… and if it’s not, look up holy. Explore it. Spend some time in Nature and come home and say, oh, yeah, war, what a great idea. I don’t think so.

Peace is Sacred. Misunderstandings and Differences are opportunities to grow toward Peace. War and hate are simply giving in to the laziness of not understanding. I get the seduction… But as Matt Fox says: Artificial Ecstasies…

Bah. Under this particular Sun. Under this Sugar Moon: Peace. It’s what we’re made for…

Therefore let us keep the feast.




Peace on a Changing World

The Earth tilts. The Moon waxes and wanes.

We cool, we warm. Our days shorten and elongate. The Moon waxes and wanes and our tides ebb and flow.

Every day is different, although there are some constants. The progression is always the same.

As a result each day is sacred as move through the seasons and the Moons. There is new wonder to behold for every day.

Makes me suspicious of Ecclesiastes… I don’t think I believe there is a time for war and hate. Or if there was, it’s over. We’ve done that.

Time to make Peace with today. Which means not rushing into spring, but being in the in-between and deconstructing the walls of fear and hatred and stupidity.

Let’s give Peace a real chance. Today, because today is perfectly today — Earth slowly tilting toward the Sun, Moon slowly waning… Let’s be about Peace today.



Peace of the Slurpee, Sabbath Sugar Moon

it has been so cold lately that the ocean has frozen. The ocean freezes more slowly than sweet water because apparently the salt displaces the ice that would like to form.

This isn’t the first time the ocean has frozen, but it is believed that it is the first time anyone has recorded the phenomenon of the ocean being gelatinous with ice so that the waves still rose and fell (albeit soundlessly) but slowly.

A surfer/photographer took it, and no other pictures or videos have emerged.  Scientists say they’ve never seen such a thing or heard of it. One guy in the right place at the right time. And he never turned on his cell phone.

New and wonderful things.

It’s a good thing to remember when the world seems out of control. It’s a good thing to take some time on this cold winter day to reflect and consider what it means that things are still happening that have never before been seen. That’s not all bad.

They say the cold is breaking. That would be a lovely thing. But in the meantime, make Peace with what is… you never know when you might see something new and wonderful under the Moon. Happy Sabbath. Happy Peace.SugarMoonLunacyMar1

Sweet Sabbath for Sugar Moon Peace

An Anglo and a Palestinian woman walk into a doughnut shop: time to make the Peace.

Sometimes it’s that simple. Meeting up, in public places, so people get used to seeing women with and without headscarves sharing sweetness. Giggle for Peace. Share a pastry. Spend time with friends to build community.

It’s heartbreaking really, what’s going on in the world, all the places people were being killed. We named them, all the martyrs, all the ravaged lands, including our own.

Kindness, we need more kindness. Give up on your need to have others be wrong. Reflect on what you can do better. I’m not going to solve the problems in Africa or the Middle East. I can keep building community here. I can go out for a sweet slice of life in the name of friendship and wind up having it be Peacemaking.

If that’s not keeping a Sabbath holy, I don’t know what is. And every day is a holy day. This is the season for boiling our inclusive instincts down into kindness and compassion. Sugar Moon, indeed!


Snow Moon, Peace and Beauty

All hail the beauty of a full Snow Moon. From the time it came up until it rode high in the sky dragging those stars in a rope of diamonds after it, it was simply beautiful.

And before it disappeared into the clouds, it peered down at us surrounded by a rainbow… warning of the skiff of snow we got.

Beauty, it’s interesting to note, unites us. Lots of people posted about the Moon last night. And everyone was in complete agreement. It stopped us in our tracks. It made us talk to one another and share our joy. We should let that happen more often. We should find more reasons to encounter beauty and share rather than hoard it.

That beauty shone across the world last night… and all was not well, because horrible things were happening — but still, maybe we can find a way to capture the little moments and build on them… When I see moments like this, I remember, my friend Lorraine and all my friends saw this beauty and smiled. People I don’t know, people all over this world, saw this beauty and smiled. Sharing those smiles turns the mundane into the sacred. Let us make it safe for Beauty to be celebrated… Let us make it possible for Beauty to promote Peace.



Blessing Candles of Peace

Candlemas — I love the notion of the blessing of the lights that will help us to see clearly.

Consider how important and meaningful this was at a time when all your light was manufactured by you…

Imagine the entire village coming to have their lights blessed or the Elders processing from house to house to bless the lights…

This was a time that light was precious. Without the candles, you lived long periods in the dark or with only a fire to provide light. It’s hard to think of the dark as sacred when the rhythm feels so inescapable…

What if we thought of light as precious? What if we thought of the dark as sacred? What if, in this time of the Snow Moon, we longed for Peace and lit candles in its honor… What if?
