Snow Moon, Peace and Beauty

All hail the beauty of a full Snow Moon. From the time it came up until it rode high in the sky dragging those stars in a rope of diamonds after it, it was simply beautiful.

And before it disappeared into the clouds, it peered down at us surrounded by a rainbow… warning of the skiff of snow we got.

Beauty, it’s interesting to note, unites us. Lots of people posted about the Moon last night. And everyone was in complete agreement. It stopped us in our tracks. It made us talk to one another and share our joy. We should let that happen more often. We should find more reasons to encounter beauty and share rather than hoard it.

That beauty shone across the world last night… and all was not well, because horrible things were happening — but still, maybe we can find a way to capture the little moments and build on them… When I see moments like this, I remember, my friend Lorraine and all my friends saw this beauty and smiled. People I don’t know, people all over this world, saw this beauty and smiled. Sharing those smiles turns the mundane into the sacred. Let us make it safe for Beauty to be celebrated… Let us make it possible for Beauty to promote Peace.



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