Flower Moon Sabbath Peace

Spring Mornings. They’re really quite beautiful. Blue, blue skies that you can still see because the leaves haven’t come out to block the sky. Chilly temps that you know will warm. This is the weather that the Flower Moon brings along with the march of spring flowers.

Spring afternoons when you finally are excited about doing chores that by the end of the summer will annoy and bore you.

Sunday mornings, quiet before the dash to church and meetings. Well, except for the birdsong outside!

Sunday afternoons when a walk requires nothing more than grabbing a sweater before you walk out the door. When a pool of sunlight is just meant for dragging a chair into as you read the Sunday Papers.

It’s a sweet time of year. It’s still a little early to start gardens but just in time to ream about them. A day off means time to enjoy the wonder and beauty and be grateful for Nature’s abundance.

Sweet Sabbath Peace to you, my friends. Enjoy the day.


Leaning on Pink Moon Peace

I know, I’m the one who keeps saying be here today; don’t wish it away.

But yesterday was so beautiful, it was hard not to want more, more, more.

But it was what it was, one sweet, perfect shining jewel of a day.

To want more is human, but ultimately greedy. And doesn’t leave you loving what you have right now — a perfect Pink Moon Jewel of a day. Flowers coming up, trees considering, and sun on our faces.

Oh, we give thanks! Mother Earth, Nature, the Divine, however you call it, got it right.

And if we’re smart, we’ll let the Peace and Beauty of that day dwell in us… and we’ll dwell in it. Because that’s where the Peace is! That’s where the Magic is! Both are pretty grand


Crowding Pink Moon Peace

It’s just a busy time of Earth, this Pink Moon. Everywhere you look something’s happening.

I love to watch the trees flush with passion getting ready for their budding.

I love to watch the grass green and the earth soften.

I love that when our gardeners pull away the winter leaves there are pushy little sprouts there declaring their plot to dominate the world for a few seconds. And come on, sprouts!

By now, the Daffodils and Narcissus have gained quite a bit of height. They’re promising sun on Saturday and that will be the siren song that’s needed to have them burst into color.

Spring is underway. It’s still chilly. typical April weather actually. And more rain is predicted. And although it’s dreary, please, please, please, ma’am, may we have some more? We do need it. And it brings such Beauty!

I think I need to go walk around a bit and take it all in!

There’s some elusive connection I could probably make about Nature’s managing to not only have Peace with all these different plants and animals but also to produce astounding beauty and the human condition of so many lovely races and our inability to have Peace…

But I’ll leave that thought half formed and just celebrate the way the clouds on the hill turn into crowds of daffodils…

I love that corny song. My mom and I used to sing it together. There was a woman at her facility who was deep in dementia and she was scared and unhappy — and often a little mean. She muttered a lot, but didn’t talk much. But she loved this song. And when I saw her, I would sing it with her. And she would sing along and laugh and kiss her husband’s hand. Peace. Those daffodils bring a lot of Peace.



Pink Moon Peace and April Showers

Those showers have arrived. Hurrah.

Are you crazy, they ask? You like chilly rain? No. but our beloved Mother Earth does.

And we need it. Just over 3 months into the year and we’ve had only slightly more than half the rain we need. We had a cold winter, not a snowy one, days off notwithstanding.

If you’re planting flower gardens, think drought tolerant… And start thinking about how you can become an activist for this beautiful planet. She needs your Love. Nature is out of balance.

But at the same time you plan… enjoy the drenching and think about what wakes up when the rains come. It’s quite an Earth we live on.

Here’s to April showers and the joyful blossoming of Pink Moon Peace.


Sweet Sexy Spring Peace

Yes it snowed. It’s March. It’ll snow in April too. it’s cold and chilly. But remember: Spring’s about the light!

All the the things the Pink Moon promises are happening. The earth is thawing, trees are changing colors if not bursting into leaf, the birds are singing, singing, singing.

And the flowers don’t care about this silly snow. they’re still heeding the siren song of the Sun.

Weather is what it is. I believe it’s time to work on the environment. There are awful, human caused changes happening. But somethings are what they are. The average temperature in March where I live is 39˚. having a skiff of snow on the ground — pretty darned normal.

And come April, says the woman who keeps asking us to live in the present, I’m going to hope for cool weather, because when it stays cool the violets continue to rampage! But even then the average temp is only 50˚… for the month…

But while we’re complaining and shivering, the birds and bees are going right along with what they need to do.

And that’s a wonderful thing. Let’s make Peace with what is, shall we? Spring is a slow unfolding. And it’s absolutely beautiful.



Hush for Pink Moon Peace!

Can you hear the birds? Oh, that’s the sound of a changed season.

And if you sit really quietly, I think you can hear the earth creak into Spring.

It’s exactly that being present to signs of Hope and the willingness to be part of the Possibilities that makes Peace something that can happen.

It takes us all. It’s not enough if i listen or you do. It’s not enough if you sing or I do. We have to do this together. Let’s sing Peace into existence along with the natural world!

Fanciful? yes. Possible? who knows?

Peace. Spring. Ideas whose time has come.


The Light of Pink Moon Peace

The flowers are what have named the Pink Moon. But it’s the changing light that calls those flowers into their resurgence.

That magical changing, day by day, of the Earth. Here comes the Sun!

I find I grow indignant on the Earth’s behalf that people are disdainful of the sweet miracle. It’s not warm enough, they complain.

Why yes, it is exactly warm enough. March in Pennsylvania is still quite chilly. But that doesn’t stop the flowers’ creeping out of the ground or the buds’ considering whether they’re ready to begin the cycle again.

Pay attention! This beauty is so fleeting. This is the Moon named for the flowers. And these delicate beauties flourish and linger in the cool… Don’t wish them away.

Come to think of it, there is no day in this life that we can afford to wish away. These are the days we have. Let’s enjoy them to the fullest. Peace is right where we are. Peace is when we are as well. Let us be present to each and every moment of Peace.


Pink Peace Lunacy

We hear and we hear and we hear about things that are wrong with this world. And there are many things. Isn’t it time that we begin to create the things that are right with this world? Isn’t it time we be what is right with this world?

I’m still grappling with this notion of sacred honor… trying to understand what it means to me… thinking that perhaps it needs to mean something so that things change. I believe that we’re the change. And that people in parts of the world where change is much harder than here need to know that we believe that they’re the change.

Although it’s certainly easier for me to consider what the change might be here far away from some of the awful violence people are experiencing.

But if Spring can turn a white world into pink beauty, if the Moon can go from nothing to bursting, if we can begin again, then Lunacy is not impossible — and neither is Peace. Let us be Lunatics of Love and Hope and Peace. Let’s start now!


Sugar Moon Sabbath Wonder and Peace

Wherever you go, there is beauty.

For me, part of writing daily is to remember this. My musings are a spiritual practice of observing what’s right here in front of me.

The act of observation offers a deep reminder to appreciate — whether it’s an appreciation of the possibilities that lie at the heart of dysfunction or, like today, simply the simple awareness of the sight and sound of birds, on the wing and on the ground.

March is often a damp and chilly month — and every single day of it — just as every frigid day of February — is worth appreciation. No other day is like this one. The moon changes every day, and even if we were to look at the same time every day the Crescent Moon changes by degree and position and of course by when it rises and sets… it’s all pretty astonishing, isn’t it?

It’s a Sabbath today, let us enjoy both the day and the wonder.

Wishing you the Peace of a wonderful day.


Only Peace in the Sugar Moon

Language has power. Words matter.

But it seems that things that have been in our lives forever don’t often get noticed.

I was really startled yesterday when I went back to that Ecclesiastes passage yesterday. It was a passage you heard a lot. Thanks to the Byrds and coming of age at the right time it was a song I heard and sang often…

But yesterday as it came to mind, I realize I really don’t believe this. I don’t believe that any God ordains war or hate or killing. There’s no gift of the Universe in racism, sexism, name whatever ism you can come up with.  No.

Today when Boko Haram and ISSL are declaring themselves engaged, I want to say clearly, I understand that they think their fanaticism is Divinely ordained — and I think differently. Very differently.

Whatever you hold as holy or precious is life-giving, not life denying… and if it’s not, look up holy. Explore it. Spend some time in Nature and come home and say, oh, yeah, war, what a great idea. I don’t think so.

Peace is Sacred. Misunderstandings and Differences are opportunities to grow toward Peace. War and hate are simply giving in to the laziness of not understanding. I get the seduction… But as Matt Fox says: Artificial Ecstasies…

Bah. Under this particular Sun. Under this Sugar Moon: Peace. It’s what we’re made for…

Therefore let us keep the feast.
