Thrill to Love & Advent Peace

I love my work. I really love most aspects of it. Some of it’s challenging. I’m just learning how to raise money and awareness, but when the fundraising/difference making thing works, I can feel the quiver of joy happen. But the ritual stuff. ah. I love it. Even in middle of my most focused work when celebrating, I’m aware of the rightness of what I’m doing. This? is what Tiggers do. No question.

I’m privileged, I know that. Not everyone gets that opportunity. But I’ve taken a lot of risks to be able to do that. Compromised my financial present and future to be able to do what matters to me. Not everyone is built for that kind of risk taking and not everyone can live life on the edge comfortably.

But I’m not moving back. I don’t do it for the thrill, as much as I love it, I do it because it makes a difference. Celebrating life and trying to give people a better shot at it matter. And the thrill is a pretty big bonus. I don’t know what else I’d do, or how else I’d live my life, but I know I’m making a difference, even if it’s only a little one… or a big one in a small number of people’s lives.

I wish that for you. I wish you to look forward and backward in your life, thrilling both to possibilities and accomplishments. Live your life large, whatever that means. As far as we know, whatever we hope, we only get one shot at it. So why waste what we’ve got. Let’s set our hearts on Peace and thrill to its possibilities. Because we can. And with Peace and thrilling, if we can, we probably should. And I think Love makes both the thrilling and the Peace possible.


To Please. To Love. Advent Peace

Taking the time to consider another, to please them in some small way can change the way they think of the world.

So much of the world is hurried and inconsiderate. Small sweet gestures of kindness can be like lit candles in the dark to tired and wounded people. Everyone needs kindness.

So appropriate for Lucia day, which custom says is when light is called back from the South to the North. (one more holiday in this season of holidays.)

What candle of kindness will you carry today to give to another person? How will you please them, let them know that they matter? Will you dare to take a moment to be kind to a stranger? To a loved one? To please them by giving them something they’ve wanted… or perhaps not even known that they’ve needed?

Where do we find the balance, to think enough of self to care for another, to give them Peace? How do we move to the place where we understand that pleasing others enriches rather than depletes us. I’m not thinking about the self-effacing kindness that the world urges, particularly on women and children, where everyone matters more than you do, but rather a self-conscious kindness… a caring for the other based on your awareness of the fullness of your heart and life. Sometimes we need to take a calculated risk even when we understand that there will be cost to us.

Kindness is the work of Peace. Pleasing others is not the if I please you, you will like me thing we were taught or maybe just learned as children, it is the I will please you because it makes the world sweeter, easier in some small way. In that way we move closer to Peace, and we move together.




Encourage Love during Advent Peace

To encourage the Love. Is there anything more important that we can do in this world?

And the sacred season of Advent is built for exactly this possibility. Of all the holidays I left behind as I became Post-Christian, Advent is the one that has most called to me across our differences. I have been unable to release the feeling — don’t you hear Leonard Bernstein’s “Something’s coming, something Good — I don’t know when…”

For that to happen, we have to make space in our lives, our hearts, our souls. We have to encourage it. I started writing about Peace in these musings a year ago. My sense that it is possible has only grown — and I haven’t even left Dodge! I know more people for whom this is a concern. I know more people who are not like me and we are forging conversations and even doing good work. Little Dreams are taking root, and growing.

It’s got to happen where we are — here where I am, there where you are. And as it spreads. As we relax into Love, we relax into Peace. We start naming it, we start letting it be important. We start doing things that are not, perhaps, on the surface about Peace, but which create Peace in their wake. Because we’re caring for people. We’re feeding them. We’re fighting pollution in their name. We’re standing up against ecological disaster. We’re each doing the things we do, and widening our scope a little. Perhaps even gentling our touch.

There’s something that each of us can do to encourage Love. One of the great things about it is that it’s habit forming. If we’re kind. If we’re generous. If we’re thoughtful or resourceful or determined. The Love makes the setbacks bearable. The Possibilities of Peace illuminate the journey. We have a place we’re bound. There is more Love, more Peace, more Grace. And I’ve found it in your company.

Oh who you are and the work you do are worthy of all the encouragement I can give you.


Surrender to Love, Advent Peace

It’s funny how the words go together during this advent mash-up…

We don’t look very often, for Love can be overwhelming… not just the “I love you” kinda love, but that too… but the look at how much love there is kinda love.

And once in a while, it’s good to allow yourself to be washed away in the Love. (I know it’s a bit of a cold metaphor for a winter’s day, but it’s how it feels… hmmm should i have used sledding? oh, too late. surf city here we come!

Right now, with the work we’ve been doing at church, there are a whole bunch of possibilities that may come about, simply because we decided we could make a difference. We have done stuff so much differently this year as a result. But the part that’s overwhelming is that it’s changing what’s going on around us.

Clapping for Tinkerbelle works. Magic requires a lot of hard work, that’s the part we forget, but then it becomes magic. or maybe just exponential. But we don’t want me to be doing math metaphors… eek. Love can go viral. There a nice internet metaphor. and when it does, we should throw up our hands and squeal with delight (Knoebel’s roller coaster metaphor) and ride the ride. Because the squealing with delight is part of the fun.

So surrender to it. And ride the wave, or the roller coaster, or the interwebs! Delighted squealing for Peace. Delighted squealing as a prayer path. Let’s hear it!


Honor, Love, Advent Peace

Honoring our own path. It’s a big claim, isn’t it. That what I do is worthy of honor?

I was talking with a friend last night about having spent a bunch of my life written off as “cute.” There are worse things, you think, but really, cute is not what you want to be. Cute isn’t taken seriously. Cute doesn’t take itself seriously.

It’s been a long journey from cute to competent. Hell, it’s a long journey from anywhere to competent. But this? Is the time we have. (Even puppies grow out of cute to be fine old dogs if we’ve let them.) It’s not easy to grab that bull by the horns and say, I’m going to be competent. I’m going to be kind. I’m going to be a Peacemaker. I’m going to make a difference. And I will be not only respectful of the way I do it, I will esteem it.

For that to happen, I must be willing to do my best. Every day, one foot in front of the next. Does that mean there’s no time off? No. It may mean there are more. Because when you’ve decided to honor your work, it means you don’t phone life in. And that demands that you give yourself some down time so that your on time can be just that. It’s not just being present. It’s making your life a prayer, one of thanksgiving for your gifts and promise for your possibilities.

I will honor myself. I will honor my path. I think (I hope) I do better at honoring your path. Namaste, I honor all that is good in you… which is seen by all that is good in me. For me to be able to say Namaste, I must honor myself. So, Namaste, I think you’re wonderful. And I am doing a job that is worthy of my skills and talents and passion. Today. and I promise you, tomorrow. How about you?


Cherish, Love, Advent, Peace

String after string of words. Variations on a theme. Trying to get it right.

Trying to find the paths that fit. Trying to find the support that you need in this season of anticipation.

Today when it’s so dangerous underfoot, I am largely free to stay home. This is my day of rest. So I can practice cherishing the lovely home I am grateful to have. It has great bones this old house. And I have great neighbors and landlords. That makes it a pretty good start. And my house is filled with my past — family, travels, art, color (oh, yes, color!). Some favorite books, some comfortable furniture. And candles for days!

Time to do a little cherishing. Time to do a little work I love in the midst of this beloved space. And then as it gets less slippy, time to wander off to “my” swimming pool and spend some time cherishing my body… and tonight, if the weather holds, I can lavish some attention on my husband and go watch him play.

Trying to keep it slow, so the careful tending of my life and my loves has a chance to be accomplished. Not an easy for a woman who often moves at warp speed.

But if I don’t take the time to cherish and to open my heart to Love, how do I give myself the time to pay attention to Peace?


Enjoy, Love, Advent, Peace, Sabbath

Eek… that’s a title! But it says it all… pretty simple.

Today is the start of the second week of Advent. The second candle is Love. Will you surround your dreams with loving approval? Can you accept the world and all its brokenness? This week’s prayer might read this way: “May I be generous; quick to open my heart to knew friends, new places and new ways of doing things. May I treasure what is brought me to today. May I be known as a lover of life, one who embraces all there is in this world. Blessed Be.”

Enjoy your life. Love the world. Expect great things. Settle into the Sabbath. Move toward Peace.


Appreciate, Hope, Advent, Peace

Appreciate. Esteem. Honor. To know the worth of and to value. To understand the implications of. To take seriously.

Hard work, all of these. Tricks of the trade too infrequently brought into play. We rarely even use the words, let alone exercise the skills….

For example, to appreciate Nelson Mandela is not simply to see who he was as he died, but to understand who he was to become that man. There’s such trash on the internets at the moment, decrying his early actions. Really, do you not understand how a man has to be someone spectacular to grow through everything that happened to him to become the man he was?

After two plus decades of hard labor he chose to leave bitterness and hatred behind. To appreciate Mandela is to esteem him, but it is also to understand those implications. He made space to transform himself and to be transformed. In that space he transformed his people, his country his world.

I appreciate his courage Peacemaking. I appreciate his journey. Not fully, I’m sure. Nothing has ever been that hard in my life. I pray that nothing ever will. And I pray that lack of hardship doesn’t limit my ability to pour myself into Peace. I pray it doesn’t hinder you. Let us Hope.


Believe, Hope, Advent Peace

How sad. A man who represented the best of Belief and Hope in my life is gone from this world. Generation after generation has found a hero to lead them. Mandela was a man for our time, and as the president said, for the ages.

His words about leaving his hatred and bitterness inside the cell he was leaving ring… We have to notice the evil, accept that it has happened to us, forgive ourselves and if we can “those who trespassed against us,” anticipate that the world can be better, believe in a new world.

My church choir is currently working on an anthem, entitled “You Are the New Day.” (words by John David. It’s a beautiful song about the impending nuclear holocaust and the hope that we can be the difference needed.

And isn’t that always the question. Can we be the difference needed? Those of us who lived with Mandela’s shining example, can only answer yes. We don’t really get to whine, “it’s too hard,” when you know that this quiet, dignified man underwent the greatest degradation and hardship. And through it all, he believed.

Mandela was not the only miracle maker in South Africa. Many other people did their work and lived in great dignity. But he was no less great for that. He accepted what happened and moved to make it better… through it all he believed. Shocking and wonderful. And shows us a way. Maybe in fact it was his Belief that transformed him and the whole world.

What do you believe in? And how is that Belief going to help you to make a difference? Because that’s the real question to ask of Belief. He believed in Peace and he led us all there. How do we, you and I, get to Peace…


Anticipate Hope Advent Peace

That’s a fun string of words!

I really can’t imagine why our culture doesn’t think anticipation is fun. It seems that when we want things, we want them NOW! but there’s so much pleasure in the waiting for it to appear. Think of the number of kids who bounce into Christmas Eve. Sure it’s about the presents, but it’s SANTA. and magic reindeer. and oh, my goodness, JOY.

Believers of all sorts look forward to the changes that the middle of December brings with the same bubbling delight. As of one date, life will be different.

That bubbling delight is something we can have — but we have to make space for it. With kids, it’s instantaneous, but then we train it out of them, and invite ennui to take its place. A friend told me about her girl’s over-the-top excitement because SHE’S GOING TO A CONCERT. In August. And she’s still spinning like a top. Good friends invited her and she’s always wanted to see this band and no one’s told her you can only get excited about what’s right here and now.

Advent, for me is about that. Lighting that candle at night (or in the afternoon — hooray for early dark) reminds me that something’s coming, something good. It allows me to plan for that.

My meditation at this time of year is about what I’d like to bring into the world this year. What particular seed of my soul am I willing to plant and bring to fruition. or… fruit! If we’re following the Wheel, we’ve spent the fall, sorting the bounty and then examining the gifts of our souls (our own rich soil) and now we get to consider what we want to coax out into the light when the time is right.

This is a long luxurious time, if we let it be. And I know, all the obligations of the season loom. But just because you go to a party, doesn’t mean you have to do more than show up and drift through. Life can be lovely, you just have to plan a bit and then… sit back and anticipate.

Imagine, you’re on the road to Peace. You are. You. What fun will that be to get there!
