Driving Peace

It’s such a simple thing: wear your seatbelt.

I’ve gotten that middle of the night phone call. “I’m sorry to have to inform you…” I got the call, because my niece’s fiancé said, her parents have already gotten that call once, call Aunt Ann, she can tell them. So the cop called Aunt Ann and I had to tell my sister and her husband that everything they had relearned of happiness had disappeared. Given the injuries, both the medics and the ER guys were able to say, oh thank you for that news, had she been wearing her seat belt, it would have been different.

My dear, we lost you because you were careless. So we had to sort the rage out of the most profound pain.

28,000 tickets. How many more were never noticed by the police? It’s the law because it saves lives. You are not immune. Accidents do happen. Protect yourself.

Our hearts are fragile vessels that do indeed shatter in our chests.

Wear the damn seat belt. Give Peace. And take good care of yourself… you know the rest of that song.



Thanksgiving Peace Again

So many things for which to give thanks.

So many things to remember. And yesterday, we made new memories.

It’s a great holiday, isn’t it, Really just created for the opportunity to build more memories. There are new members of the family to braid in. Such sacred work.

As a kid, you’re at the mercy of the family… and hopefully for everyone that’s a lot of mercy. But later, it’s a chance for you to construct love as you want to see it.

Yesterday we laid a great framework for family… I feel so blessed.

I hope you feel that way too.

Peace be with you all, my friends. Peace. I hope you enjoyed the holiday and the full moon as much as I did.



Thanksgiving Peace

It’s a pretty miraculous thing. A whole day dedicated to giving thanks. A sacred holiday. A sacred season.

Which means being aware of just how lucky, how blessed we are.

It feels so luxurious, so delicious.

Which, I guess is part of the reason that I don’t get the whole shopping thing. Here’s a day to be dedicated to just being. MMMMMM. Well, being and being aware.

There’s a long and luxurious list of things and people for which I am grateful. For my love. For my family and friends — for each and every one of you. For music. For fun. For my work. Oh, I’m so grateful for my work. All of it.

Today, in particular, I’m grateful to be the family priestess, grateful I’ve honed this craft so that the wedding I’m about do will reflect the Love this couple feels for one another.

I’m a bit grateful that the mourning is far enough back that I can think about how happy i am that those people were part of my life. Grateful for the love of so many.

And so I give thanks. I hope you have a wonderful time doing the same thing. I hope you’re engaged in making many lovely memories! Happy Thanksgiving. Blessed Peace.



Long Night Moon, Lunacy, Peace

It’s the Full Moon. Only this one and one more Full Moon this year. Only one more time to be infected with the joyful Lunacy of 2015.

The Full Moon is a time to dare. It’s a time to accept encouragement. It’s a time for boldness.

Every Full Moon that happens, i say, Oh, this is my favorite one… and sure enough, this is my favorite one. (at least this month!)

It’s cold, it’s clear, and it’s beautiful. I am full of energy and thanksgiving.

Tomorrow, I get to do what may be my favorite wedding of my entire time. My 71 yo cousin is marrying her 78 yo beau and they are as giddy as any 21 year olds. And ain’t Love grand!

Peace be with you. Safe travels to all who are on the road this weekend. Safe home when it is over. And Hurrah! and Peace! and Joy! ‘Tis the season!


Oh, For Some Anonymous Peace

I live in a small town. And most of the time that’s amazing. You know your neighbors (yes, in all their glory!)

But sometimes, you really want to be off duty. I know ministers are not only people who feel this way. I was at a party with a friend who’s a horse doc… and someone zeroed right in on her…

So the words “Aren’t you…” are enough to strike fear into my heart. and I’m so many things: a minister, an activist, a UU, a witch and a drummer’s wife. Oh, and a back-up singer. And occasionally all ’round crazy. We all have our moments. Oh, and I have snarky moments as well…

And I admit, Mondays are not my best days. I probably shouldn’t leave the house. I’m over peopled. But face down in a swimming pool is exactly where I need to be. So off I go.

And then someone recognizes you. And I have hilarious conversations in pools.

But sometimes, I’m not well-armored for the conversations that worry about keeping folk in boxes. Spandex and soap aren’t great protection. And the swimming opens me right up.

And yes I know, people have needs and ministry isn’t just a job… But some days, I’m less well prepared to be a Peacemaker than others. That’s the thing about being human. But other days, it works fine. Some days, there are people working on social justice. Life is a balance — which means sometimes you’re out of balance!

Whatever, I do wish us all Peace. Even on Mondays. Especially on Mondays. Peace.


The Peace of Beloved Festival Foods

For most of us, Thanksgiving is one of those holidays filled with food and family.

For those without either, let us be generous in opening our hearts and our wallets and cupboards. If we’re going to be thankful, it’s good to be so actively — and there is so much need. Thanksgiving requires great thanksgiving. Some of us are so lucky. I’m humbled by the life I lead. Blessing counting is an important part of this day.

But let us also enjoy — unabashedly… and make plans to revel in the fun.

And the food. Ah, festival foods are the best. Everyone has a favorite food associated with Thanksgiving. We were all stunned when niece Jan chose stuffing as the one food she never had to eat (her brother chose broccoli, which I like, but stuffing, that great gravy conveyance?). The rest of us we all about passing the bowl around one more time.

But for some it’s the yams, for others the turkey itself.

And for me, right up there alongside the stuffing is any kind of cranberry!

I once hosted a thanksgiving feast with 8 different kinds of cranberry sauce. Oh, i was happy!

Today it’s Monday. In three sleeps, it will be Thanksgiving. Turkey. Cranberry. Stuffing.

And a lovely, lovely wedding to perform. Yep. I’m looking forward. (and i get to miss the football part, which I know is other people’s favorite piece.)

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with thanksgiving.


A Quiet, Fall, Sabbath Peace

I spent yesterday cosseting a cold. I’ll do a few more things today. But not a lot.

My guess is that nothing I do will be visible — i’ll work on the infrastructure of my life. There are sweaters to be straightened, a cabinet that needs to be emptied and then rearranged.

There may be a walk outside in the newly changed season. It is now late fall, and the temperatures are where they’re supposed to be. The leaves have finally blow off the trees.

Nothing extreme… but little accomplishments that will give me time to think about the upcoming holiday season, the things i’m thankful for, the things that are ended.

Time to make space for that which is to come.

Peace arrives in such small incremental measures. But we must keep open to its possibilities. Enjoy your day. May it be filled with Peace. May it be filled with Love.


Standing for Peace

We wondered when planning: How many people would show up. We thought if we got 50, it would be a great start.

How many people care about transsexual health and well-being? Last night we got to see that in this Valley, far more than we knew. It was so reassuring. I’m sure the trans people who were there were reassured.

We all spend so much time complaining about how hard our lives are. They’re not really. And we don’t spend enough time appreciating what we do have.

I’ll tell you, I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be a trans person in this valley. Last night one man at least got to believe that there are those who welcome him. That there’s a Christian church who welcomes him.

That’s worth the world. And it was just a Friday evening in the park. Just a little bit of Peace.

And that was a helluva lot more than some people in that park had ever allowed themselves to dream of.

Peace. We must make it. We must create the space for it. And it’s not that difficult.



Hearts Must Join in Peace

It is something that you and I both work for Peace. But it is not enough.

At some point, maybe points, our hearts must join and we must work together.

Our notions of Peace cannot become competing visions because then we’re not working together. Peace is a thing of joined hearts.

So we must Peace. Together and separately. We must keep our hearts open to the possibilities and the beauty of Peace. It’s hard work. but it’s the only work.


Transsexuals. Peace. Love.

Each year, transsexuals, particularly male to female, particularly women of color, are killed. This year, in our country 22 have been killed. Which is an incredibly high number when you realize how few there are who make that journey.

One local church, having just recently completed their journey to become an open and welcoming church has undertaken as their first action in this small area, to hold a vigil.

They posted a sign on their church and now the minister is being harangued by people who know that this is not Christianity.

I’m so proud to be able to support her. So proud to be able to support the people who will dare to speak.

In addition, trans folk try to kill themselves at such high rates because the hatred is so high. How can our fear let us hate, and in hating become such violent ugly people?

It’s easy to see it in others; we must also root it out of ourselves…

If you’re in this Valley, come and stand with us. If you’re somewhere else, go and stand there. Someone’s having a vigil near you.

You can help remember and you can reassure people that there is a place where they are welcome… where love waits with open arms. That your heart is such a place.

Peace. We need to make it.
