Pink Moon Spring Peace

Or should that be Pink Moon Peace Springs? Whatever, it’s all here! The Pink Moon! Spring! In our area, it came in cloaked in lovely white snow. The Peace part is up to us.

It’s a wild and wonderful time as the weather dances back and forth. But we all know what direction it’s going! The phlox is going to win this. It’s her turn.

Peace? Is Peace going to carpet the world like the wild phlox?

Well, that Possibility is sort of up to us, isn’t it?


Snow Moon Peace Prayers

A couple marries. A young husband dies. A restaurant is shot up in Göteborg. The season changes, the Moon darkens and then, ever so slowly begins to grow again. Blessed to stand by the edge of the ocean, I open my heart…

To be aware. To be grateful. To be of use. To bring Peace. To be aware. To be grateful. To be of use. To bring Peace. To be aware. To be grateful. To be of use. To bring Peace.

Today, back in my life. I have the same prayer. and did I forget to mention, to be delighted.


Honoring Snow Moon Peace

“My Sacred Honor.”

I think that I take myself, my calling and my goals seriously and then I hear this phrase.

Do I consider myself to have Sacred Honor? And even if I can wring a quiet equivocating yes from myself, do I carry that as a central tenet of my work and being?

Or do I dismiss that as fanatical? Is it? Must it be so?

Do I underestimate the importance of what I do and believe if I don’t see this as Sacred Duty and that my Honor is dependent upon my steadfastness to the task? If I don’t do this work, am I daily spending those important moments in self-reflection?

How does it change how I work and speak about my Work if I accept that my remaining true not only to myself but to my Work and my Belief in that work — and in myself?

I think I’m going to have to poke at this a while… In the meantime, Peace be with us. And may we be Peace. We’re winding down, just a few days left in the Sugar Moon, soon the Pink moon will start spreading its carpet of blossoms across our lives. It’s important to be patient for the last few days of the boiling down to nectar of this Moon. Peace is sometimes called upon to be a Patient and exacting Peace.


Snow Geese, Swans & Sugar Moon Peace

Migration is such an amazing thing. Birds travel thousands of miles from their summer to winter homes and then back again. (well, they’re traveling to keep the same seasons going).

Because I live two blocks from a North/South waterway, there’s no escaping this beautiful reality.

I drove over to “the” field yesterday about dusk and 2000 birds were taking off. They flew in formation back and forth, catching the sun and then the shadow. They looked like an Escher print. Now brilliantly white, then golden in the sun, then black in shadow. The Vees formed and reformed. They called back and forth.

Every year, the same astonishing display. As I said, for me, it’s wrapped up in my Dad… but the beauty is overwhelming on its own. There it is, for free. Today, maybe tomorrow, but certainly next year! Making memories and all we have to do is show up and be present.

Every day there’s a reminder of life’s Abundance and Beauty. Swans and Geese are today’s gift of Peace from the Snow Moon. (oh, and the gulls, let’s not forget the gulls!)



Sugar Moon Sabbath Wonder and Peace

Wherever you go, there is beauty.

For me, part of writing daily is to remember this. My musings are a spiritual practice of observing what’s right here in front of me.

The act of observation offers a deep reminder to appreciate — whether it’s an appreciation of the possibilities that lie at the heart of dysfunction or, like today, simply the simple awareness of the sight and sound of birds, on the wing and on the ground.

March is often a damp and chilly month — and every single day of it — just as every frigid day of February — is worth appreciation. No other day is like this one. The moon changes every day, and even if we were to look at the same time every day the Crescent Moon changes by degree and position and of course by when it rises and sets… it’s all pretty astonishing, isn’t it?

It’s a Sabbath today, let us enjoy both the day and the wonder.

Wishing you the Peace of a wonderful day.


Happy Sugar Moon Peace Pi(e) Day

So a friend chastised those of us celebrating Pi(e) day for not celebrating Tau day. (And looking at this article from the Kahn Academy… it looks like last year was the year to have really whoop(ie pie)d it up… Hopefully she’ll help me remember 6.28 this year!

But I think it’s delightful to have a lovely day the entire world can agree on… and liking math and circles and pie can’t be a bad thing.

Peace is built on celebrating both differences and similarities. We share Pi… Let’s share Pie!

Let’s all enjoy a piece of the blessed Peace Pie. There’s plenty to go around. Even the Sugar Moon seems to be in on it!



Only Peace in the Sugar Moon

Language has power. Words matter.

But it seems that things that have been in our lives forever don’t often get noticed.

I was really startled yesterday when I went back to that Ecclesiastes passage yesterday. It was a passage you heard a lot. Thanks to the Byrds and coming of age at the right time it was a song I heard and sang often…

But yesterday as it came to mind, I realize I really don’t believe this. I don’t believe that any God ordains war or hate or killing. There’s no gift of the Universe in racism, sexism, name whatever ism you can come up with.  No.

Today when Boko Haram and ISSL are declaring themselves engaged, I want to say clearly, I understand that they think their fanaticism is Divinely ordained — and I think differently. Very differently.

Whatever you hold as holy or precious is life-giving, not life denying… and if it’s not, look up holy. Explore it. Spend some time in Nature and come home and say, oh, yeah, war, what a great idea. I don’t think so.

Peace is Sacred. Misunderstandings and Differences are opportunities to grow toward Peace. War and hate are simply giving in to the laziness of not understanding. I get the seduction… But as Matt Fox says: Artificial Ecstasies…

Bah. Under this particular Sun. Under this Sugar Moon: Peace. It’s what we’re made for…

Therefore let us keep the feast.




Peace on a Changing World

The Earth tilts. The Moon waxes and wanes.

We cool, we warm. Our days shorten and elongate. The Moon waxes and wanes and our tides ebb and flow.

Every day is different, although there are some constants. The progression is always the same.

As a result each day is sacred as move through the seasons and the Moons. There is new wonder to behold for every day.

Makes me suspicious of Ecclesiastes… I don’t think I believe there is a time for war and hate. Or if there was, it’s over. We’ve done that.

Time to make Peace with today. Which means not rushing into spring, but being in the in-between and deconstructing the walls of fear and hatred and stupidity.

Let’s give Peace a real chance. Today, because today is perfectly today — Earth slowly tilting toward the Sun, Moon slowly waning… Let’s be about Peace today.



Where Hate Lines Become Peace Lines

It is exactly where hate happens that we have the largest opportunities to turn things around.

Whether hateful activities are to be the place of Peaceful ones or to be the catalyst for Peaceful movement in other places isn’t what matters, what matters is that hate keeps moving us toward Peace.

We don’t understand hate as hate. The kids on the fraternity bus (and their parents, for goodness sakes) can twist themselves to believe that racist slurs aren’t racist. Senators can convince themselves that the law doesn’t pertain to them… that’s where hate is… and it’s exactly there that it needs to stop.

We’re the ones to turn hate lines into Peace lines. We can start it on our own, we can be a point of Peace, but we want to connect those Peace points into line. Because together we are strong. Together we can. Peace. We can do this. The Peace sap is running, let’s boil it down to its full sweetness… in what’s left of this Sugar Moon… Let’s be present to the possibility of Peace, shall we? and erase those lines of hate.



Lunatic Obsession with Peace Lines

Today, when so many of US senators crossed a stupid and hateful line, I remain obsessed with the notion of lines that heal rather than lines that create conflict.

Pennsylvania’s senator was among them.

In addition to my sorrow, there’s a fair amount of disbelief. Don’t they have any lawyers and protocol officers?

But those of us who don’t choose to walk those paths need to figure out which lines hold our strength in conviction and community and keep moving forward…

Peace. in this Moon and the Next.
