Leaning on Pink Moon Peace

I know, I’m the one who keeps saying be here today; don’t wish it away.

But yesterday was so beautiful, it was hard not to want more, more, more.

But it was what it was, one sweet, perfect shining jewel of a day.

To want more is human, but ultimately greedy. And doesn’t leave you loving what you have right now — a perfect Pink Moon Jewel of a day. Flowers coming up, trees considering, and sun on our faces.

Oh, we give thanks! Mother Earth, Nature, the Divine, however you call it, got it right.

And if we’re smart, we’ll let the Peace and Beauty of that day dwell in us… and we’ll dwell in it. Because that’s where the Peace is! That’s where the Magic is! Both are pretty grand


Gathered Sabbath Pink Moon Peace

I’ve been hanging out with dear friends at their new home. It’s a gorgeous Pink Moon kick-back spring weekend. Not too warm, not to cool.

I’m about an hour and a half south of where I live, so the daffodils, forsythia, and dogwood are well started.

We’ve listened to music, visited galleries and food markets, eaten: cuban food, local ice cream and my friend’s very good cooking. We’ve seen the sights: the parks, the libraries, hospitals, churches, college campuses and gorgeous old houses.

Tomorrow, I’ll preach, but after that, it’ll be a lot the same!

This is a sweet Sabbath weekend. And I’m drinking in the Peace of time with friends who are exploring new possibilities and new realities!


Driving Pink Moon Peace

It’s still early April. It was a cold rain. Exactly the weather the Pink Moon presides over.

So I was taken aback to see soldiers sitting in the back of tanks moving 70mph down the highway with no rain gear.

Really? Why can’t they have rain gear?

I felt like the grandmother of the world fretting about those young people’s lack of appropriate clothing.

If we’re going to call these youngsters Peacemakers, don’t they have to be comfortable enough to feel like Peace is an option when they get there? I’d be pretty grumpy if i arrived wet and frozen.

“All we are saying is give Peace a chance.”


Daring Pink Moon Peace

Just about the time everyone wonders whether it’s not time to cut the grass, the violets appear. (whew say the grass cutters, can’t cut away that beauty!)

They’re such a fragile flower, except, really, they’re not. We hear them referred to as the “shy” violet, but a hillside or a lawn full of violets is a hillside of electric color.

It’s true, I love them.

I love the color and I love their courage.

It’s a good model for Peacemaking. Surprise people with your passion. Be confident in your mission. Delight the world.

Let the Pink Moon encourage not just the violet, but also you to Peace.


Crowding Pink Moon Peace

It’s just a busy time of Earth, this Pink Moon. Everywhere you look something’s happening.

I love to watch the trees flush with passion getting ready for their budding.

I love to watch the grass green and the earth soften.

I love that when our gardeners pull away the winter leaves there are pushy little sprouts there declaring their plot to dominate the world for a few seconds. And come on, sprouts!

By now, the Daffodils and Narcissus have gained quite a bit of height. They’re promising sun on Saturday and that will be the siren song that’s needed to have them burst into color.

Spring is underway. It’s still chilly. typical April weather actually. And more rain is predicted. And although it’s dreary, please, please, please, ma’am, may we have some more? We do need it. And it brings such Beauty!

I think I need to go walk around a bit and take it all in!

There’s some elusive connection I could probably make about Nature’s managing to not only have Peace with all these different plants and animals but also to produce astounding beauty and the human condition of so many lovely races and our inability to have Peace…

But I’ll leave that thought half formed and just celebrate the way the clouds on the hill turn into crowds of daffodils…

I love that corny song. My mom and I used to sing it together. There was a woman at her facility who was deep in dementia and she was scared and unhappy — and often a little mean. She muttered a lot, but didn’t talk much. But she loved this song. And when I saw her, I would sing it with her. And she would sing along and laugh and kiss her husband’s hand. Peace. Those daffodils bring a lot of Peace.



Civility in the Pink Moon

Civility seems like such a basic building block. But as with anything, if you don’t pay attention, it disappears.

For some reason it’s now permissible to say all sorts of hateful things. Giving those things voice doesn’t simply reveal our prejudices, it reinforces them. It allows us to embellish them. Now there’s more and more and more that must be rooted out.

People become part of groups to be disdained rather than individuals to be celebrated.

And people think you can say everything with impunity.

Three students at Bucknell (the college in my little town) were just expelled for celebrating and reinforcing racism on their radio show. They recalled ways Blacks had been tortured and killed as a good thing. They got called to account by a prisoner in a local penitentiary who was listening and wrote to the university to say, “this doesn’t seem right.”

Well, isn’t that the truth!

I haven’t heard the reactions of their parents, but in similar events all over the country, parents have refused to face the profound hatefulness spewing from their offspring’s mouths… and hearts. Refused to look at their own collusion and perhaps incitement of such small-souledness.

People have value. Each and every one. Each and every one wears the face of God.

And so we must speak about them, respecting their holiness, letting the love drip from our tongues.

Let us re-examine civility and its integral relationship to Peace. In this season of the Pink Moon, we watch the world cover itself in beauty. Shouldn’t we perhaps take a leaf from Mother Earth’s book and investigate the possibilities of consideration and kindness?

Shouldn’t we?




Community Pink Moon Peace

For a woman raised in a very calm and quiet household, lord love me, i adore a little chaos. (Particularly if I have a quiet place to retreat to afterwards.)

When I was an exchange student and I went from having two fairly quiet siblings to having four fairly noisy siblings, while I missed home, I thrived.

And found a way to fit in. And continued to treasure the quiet moments.

Maybe because belonging to a group, my family and my church community, were so safe, I don’t mind watching the chaos swirl if it’s benign and building community.

I believe in community. I find it healing and inspiriting. It welcomes you home and kicks you out. It makes it possible to do things you can’t do alone. It’s a good thing.

and when laughter and hilarity ensue from learning about important things. hurrah. That happened for me yesterday. And because it’s the Season of the Pink Moon, there was an entire wonderful collision of holidays to celebrate… Making memories. Making sense. Making Community.


Sabbath Harmony and Peace for the Pink Moon

Today is Easter. Today is Passover. Today is still the Full Pink Moon. They’re promising us a beautiful Spring Day in my little River Valley. And if you’re lucky, the Bunny (THE Bunny) showed up at your house last night and left wild encouragement to be alive (that would be the egg part). And chocolate. he often leaves chocolate. It’s a Sabbath to remember.

So many celebrations colliding. So many different voices raised. My Hope, maybe even our hope, is that those raised voices, those songs of freedom and joy can find a harmony in these celebrations.

Because the world needs harmony. Harmony calls us to join in, to tune in. And there are so many places so many jagged horrible lines that have been drawn in hate and violence that we need that sweet harmony to defy those lines… and eventually erase them.

I experienced it the other day, a cold day, standing in a columbarium, singing a man’s favorite hymn with four other people. We’d never sung together. It was chilly and hard to catch the right note. yet we did. and five of us sang lustily away. A song of rebirth in a place of remembrance. And before the first verse had ended, we had found our harmony.

It was an amazing thing. We need to do more of that.

So let us sing! of all those wonderful things. Even as we remember the pain and those who struggle. Let us find some harmony. Let us offer a bit of Peace. Blessed be, my friends, blessed be.


To Peace under the Full Pink Moon!

It’s not always easy to stay in the present. Easy to be caught by the perfection of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. Or the horrors of what happened and the fears of what’s to come.

And yet, here, one perfect day, ready to unwind before us. What could be sweeter? It’s to be a blustery spring day with a full moon rising in beauty. There are things to accomplish. Things to enjoy. Certainly there will be things to deal with. And so what?

It’s here. Here for us to treat gently. Here for us to make Peace with, to make Peace within, to make Peace for. And here are we… ready to Peace.

And later? here comes the full Pink Moon. ah… Beauty. For us. Enjoy. Go out and make some memories and Love and Laugh and Dance and Peace by the light of the full Pink Moon! I can’t wait to hear the tales you’ll have to tell.


Gently, Firmly, Saying “Yes!” to Peace

There’s so much evil being done in the name of someone’s God. People are killing. People are hating and dehumanizing. And they’re saying that their religion doesn’t merely give them permission, it demands this of them. They’re believing that.

It’s horrifying. It’s heartbreaking.

And it’s perplexing. Where do people of good faith and philosophy enter into this? How do we do it in a way that is helpful?

How do we bring Love to the world? Each of us?

And how do we make that matter?

We’ve got to keep asking ourselves. We have to keep helping one another down the road to Peace. We must be active, because they are active. No time to wring our hands.

What do I do? What do you do? How do we Love? And how is Peace not a verb? How do we make that so? May the full flower Pink Moon shine love and Peace on this Earth.
