The Peace That Is, llvl

We so often want what is different from what we have that we overlook the bounty of what we have.

And when things we’ve loved die, we mourn because we miss them. And we do, we miss both the things and the people… But at some point, our grief must make place for the splendor that still is.

It’s a delicate process to find the balance where we care for our grieving hearts and manage to let the beauty heal us. But in that Peace garden, we can find both our healing and our purpose, possibilities exist. Sometimes the gardens are actual gardens. Sometimes the Peace garden is our little local life. Sometimes it’s a world stage. Wherever it is, Peace it up! And enjoy what is…



That Keep-Trying Spring Peace, llvl

When you’re in the depths of winter, you think about Spring and you think you know what it means. (Substitute any seasons here. I think longing clouds your vision.) I know I don’t remember the allergens (achoo!), but I don’t think you remember Spring’s long and sustained beauty. There are too many wonderful flowers blooming, too many trees bursting with color; the scent of all the unfolding dances on the breeze — oh right the breezes and the gales.

There’s a rail trail in our area and a girlfriend and I strolled down it at dusk, talking about life and its challenges. It’s hard to decide whether the setting was simply antithetical to our conversation or a balm! Life is very hard and life is very beautiful. There we were, all in one splash. The trail cuts through people’s back yards, farmers fields and wooded copses. It does that all in rapid succession, lest you think i walked for miles and miles and miles. Violets, bulbs, trees, new plantings, birds and barking dogs soothed conversations of loss and challenging presents and subsequent futures.

As we were walking for clarity and health, the earth was offering Beauty. Maybe the conundrum of Spring that I was poking at earlier is that it is so ephemeral and short-lived, in such an exuberant and sustained way. That’s good to remember when life is confusing. Peace comes in many guises, doesn’t it, and it keeps opening new ways to walk. Filled up with beauty and gratitude and searching for Peace in the midst of the chaos. We’ll make it the weather and the rest of us… Our lives depend on it.


Worthy Opponent Peace, llvl

Sometimes we’re thoughtless about things and get in our own way. During those moments, we just have to bless ourselves and move on, Lord love our hearts. (southern for what the heck?)

But other times our growth is a huge challenge but happens because we challenge ourselves. We learn. We stretch. We get better. We do better. Practice and discipline, such good things.

Movements in our lives that have been shaky and jerky all of a sudden, after consistent practice, flow smoothly. We find not only the beauty of the movement but the strength — our strength. That challenge accepted is movement forward, or even inward toward our hearts.

Our groundedness and our strength, our knowledge of where we are in space allow us to know where others are. They help us understand not only what’s being said but what needs are behind those statements. They help us be present to the moment. They help us be balanced in our response. They help us be aware of the connections we have to those around us. These things can give us the ability to give some people the space they need, invite others in closer, and notice who’s not included — all valuable things for living and for Peacemaking. A Warrior for Peace. That’s who I want to be. No. Present tense (since as Yoda reminds us, no try just do.) That’s who I am.


Work, Play, Peace, llvl

When you’re living “local,” Mother Nature sucks you in! Pay attention, she says, we’re in relationship.

So, no matter how busy you are, no matter how important your work, you have to make time for a cup of tea with your friend the Earth — the Great Mother. You have to care how she feels. You have to notice when she’s looking great… (and yep, you have to be the nurse when she’s ailing!).

And you have to balance the other important things in your life with this relationship. Your health is dependent upon hers. And her cycles ground you and give you so much pleasure.

It’s Earth Day… the 44th. Why not take the next year and explore your relationship with this fascinating, complex, breathing entity? And today? start a new habit of noticing and appreciating. She’s worthy of your effort and respect. Peace to all on Earth. Peace with the Earth. Peace. Earth. Peace. Earth. Peace.


Feelin’ it Peace, llvl

Sunday we had a humor service at church. I tend to love humor as it occurs rather than as it’s planned, but I admit it, I roared… The kids were hilarious. The other guy definitely upstaged me, glad i wasn’t competing. I did my usual oh, so meaningful sermon. (eyes roll) But it seemed to go over.

What I love about this community is that we laugh all the time. When we’re working on hard things and when life is going along easily. What I also love is that we cry easily too. We’re willing to invest in one another and experience the edges of life, which are often sharp and uncomfortable and to do that right alongside the mundane and daily life.

Emotions exist to be experienced. I’m not talking about drama queens, I’m talking about life’s normal ups and downs. What does it mean that we have drugs we inject into our foreheads and our upper lips so that we have no lines? I’m not excited I’m older, I’m far creakier than I was. Yes I have very different fun than I used to have, but I had that fun and that wasn’t better, it just was. Life’s an amazing thing. And of course, getting older means living a rich life of memory and possibility. It means more moments of self reflection and more moments of pure magic. And it means finding your equilibrium, your balance.

One thing we know about these great prophets is that were in life. May the same be said for us!


Techy Sabbath Peace, llvl

Ah, Grandma May… you taught me a lot about watching over the neighborhood and being a fierce warrior, protecting it. You lived there and nothing was going to harm it on your Neighborhood Watch! True of you, true of all the Queens of Aileen Street. You taught us to take care, to stand up straight and to acknowledge every single person on the street.

Even the most sullen teenage boys were sure to say hi and smile at you as if they meant it. It was sweet — and it was a good model. They learned; we all learned.

Today I watch your “kids” from the Facebook Street. They post their pictures, they open their hearts. I get to applaud their successes, commiserate on their losses, and be stunned by their beauty and sweetness. We visit a little back and forth. Because of Facebook, Aileen Street still lives in me. And oh those girls are gorgeous! And better yet? kind. And the community continues.

And there are other streets as well, and that’s so wonderful. A couple of those streets are across an ocean, some across a continent, some spread across a region, and some right here. Come Sunday, it’s time to sit out on my stoop (both real and virtual) and pass the time of day. Good day. How’re you doing?

Sitting on the virtual stoop means when I visit in real time that we can just pick up chatting and visiting where we left off. Sitting on the local one means getting to know and love the neighbors. (only once in a while can I hear May’s voice saying, “Who told her she could wear that?” and “If her grandma could see the way she keeps that lawn!” But always there was the love.

Tech Peace. Local Peace. Sabbath Peace. How wonderful when they work. Finding the balance is the key!


Balancing Peace, llvl

I suffer (and therefore so do you) from intensity overload. I have focus but it tends to be all consuming. But working on an issue or a problem is more than simply laser focus. It’s about the down moments not just the exhilaration.

Peace doesn’t get made without being able to laugh at the missteps… and the successes.

Peace (Life? Love?) is an experiment. So let us do the work, but let us be filled with wonder when things move in the right direction. Let’s not be afraid to fail, because our failures make us smarter. Peace isn’t all or nothing, it’s what you have to work with now.

Finding the balance. This is our one precious life. Spend it wisely… and have a whole lot of fun. Because things will go wrong, you will be sad, you will screw up, and the fun and the great Possibility are what will enable you to come back to the Work of Peace. Find your balance, the trail is steep…



Outside, In-between Peace, llvl

At the end of a trip… I give thanks: for my home and my vida local and for the homes and vidas locals I was privileged to visit; for friends and family at home and for friends and family in their lives.

It’s exciting to visit new places and try things that are “foreign” to my life. And, as is the purpose with any vacation holiday, it’s exciting to get far away from your own life, so that when you come back, you’re rested and have fresh perspective. Once again, you’re aware of life’s incredible Abundance and Beauty.

So, counting blessings for what I have and what I am privileged to see, recognizing the rightness of my life, looking to find and keep the balance… and recommitting to my quest for Peace…


Peace, Balance & Fear, llvl

I hadn’t known until I sat outside how incredibly closed in I’d been feeling.

But when Emily and I sat outside reading on the lanai, it struck us both. There were no walls — either to keep us warm or to keep out the snow. The ceilings were very high because you wanted all the room you could get to circulate the air.

It was a slice of heaven. One day we sat looking at the ocean, and it is blue, blue, blue. Another day we were just sitting behind my cousin’s house. It started to rain. but it was so warm, and the space so deep that there didn’t seem to be any reason to wander in.

It may not be our vida local, but we were certainly working hard at appreciating and fitting into our hosts’ lives. We were looking to find the balance.

And then the tornado warnings started. It was quite a surprise. Although we’ve had a couple tornadoes in our area, it’s not something that you can expect your phone to suddenly start yelling about.

And we were lucky… everyone was, nothing really happened… but whoa… And yet… you do what is there, breathe in and breathe out. Peace and la vida local… wherever local is…


Traces of Peace, LLVL

I was a bit lost yesterday afternoon when it came time to write the day’s musing… it’s not a common occurrence, but I’ve been doing this for three years, and it happens. I asked a friend, what should I write? Write about our ice skating escapade he wrote, about the web of life and how it causes community. Hmmm.

Now when I say “our ice-skating adventure,” you understand, I don’t mean MY ice-skating adventure. I don’t do that. I’ve never had great ankles, and I’m not all that steady on my pins. Those two pretty much eliminated any childhood winter olympic dreams I might have had! No, this was a church outing. Although I have to find out if they have those ice-walkers for adults that they have to keep kids upright. I might be more willing to try it again… and less likely to experiment with my “triple-klutz.” (although that may be optimistic!)

But the thought for the musing certainly had possibility, and it wouldn’t be the first time I wrote about something I didn’t do. I’ve written a perfectly lovely poem about biking, and my balance doesn’t encourage that, either…

But the notion of tracing the lines, that move from one single line carved in the ice to many overlapping lines was intriguing. that some of the lines in the web are straight and sure and some are wobbly and uncertain makes the comparison to the web of life more realistic.

And then, above the skates, all the emotions going on, fear, joy, laughter (i spared them my terror!), growing friendships and giggles. There had to be a game of crack the whip, right? That was always the funnest — even when you were the little being tossed off the end. So as lines were being traced, friendships were deepening, and memories were being carved into childhoods and communities.

A silly thing, really, just a day of enjoyment on the ice, but so many connections were possible — and many were made. Even if nothing deeper happened, here’s to winter and the fun of winter sports. Breathing in the frosty air is a treat unto itself!
