Straightening our Spines for Peace

You can’t ever understand how an image hits one person one way and another another.

I look at this beautiful field and see a straight spine. You may well see something else.

But the straightness of it. The spaces between the bones, which means the comfort of it.

It’s enough to make an aging witchy woman straighten up and fly right.

Straight spines for Peace and forward. Heaven knows Peace needs us.

My Own Little Jelly Beans of Peace

Sometimes, not often, not always, but sometimes, it’s okay not to share.

It’s a delicate balance to find.

It’s a delicate balance to keep.

But those silly precious moments ground us, fuel us and send us back out into the world to do the work we have to do.

You just have to know what are jellybeans that don’t matter and what are things that do matter… or even when jellybeans do matter. And then we Peace. Either fueled by our secret stash of jellybeans or by our shared stash… either way, Peace. The little things only matter when we allow them to be more important than Peace.

Peace Corners

This was a fun and funny picture. Many of us have painted ourselves into corners in our lives… The arrows here remind us there are ways out.

I want to remember as I look at it, that both ways can lead toward Peace (well, once the paint dries!). This corner wasn’t quite so dire, but it does remind me that I can be doggedly set on a direction that is not necessarily going anywhere. Sadly, not always and not often, but occasionally, I just have to run into that corner. Because I’m stuck on my path. I’m not sure it’s the Peace Path at that point… it’s really the Ann path, because I’m going there, against any good sense or checking the gps. Sigh. Determination is mostly a good thing, but not always.


Here’s the important thing about Peace Corners: you have to keep a sense of humor about them! Because you will get to this point eventually. Just remember to keep laughing and look for the reminder signs. Laughing at ourselves is a great first Peace step!

Covered Bridges Peace

As I said when I pushed this poem out, it was less a poem than a recounting… this morning the poetic muse seems a bit more with me…

I woke up thinking, oh… in some places the Path to Peace is so important, that we cover it. It’s an interesting notion is it not… The Path to Peace is always challenging. There are things that make it more challenging. There are ways to make it less so. Whether a bridge exists for vehicles or foot traffic, there’s value in the covering. This way you can always get across the stream that might otherwise prove an obstacle…

We’re safe there. People have been safe there for many, many years… Walking the Path to Peace? Cross the bridge here, why don’t you?


Rainy Day Peace

I love watching it rain. I particularly love watching it rain on water. Plunk. Plink. Plunk.

If it’s warm or if my feet are dry, I love being out in it. Even drenching rains. (ok, if it’s warm, I’m likely to take my shoes off). It’s not so fun if you’re supposed to be all dressed up, but I have great raincoats, because … rain!

We all grumble about it, but it’s so needed. What it also is is useful! It’s also forgiving, erasing evidence of our past mistakes… hiding our tears when we go for a walk.

Rain falls, the saying goes, on the just and the unjust. We say, and need to mean, no justice, no peace (thank you Bob Marley), but for Peace to happen at some point there needs to be forgiveness. Rain reminds me that this is possible.


Making Your Path to Peace

We’re all going to get to Peace a bit differently. And that’s great.

The more Peace Paths the better.

Today’s musing grew from yesterday’s post right here… I knew this picture was there for me to consider, but hadn’t thought about how I might use it.

I’m thinking more and more about how I contribute to the Peace of the moment, the Peace of my region and the Peace of the world. Trying to think globally and act locally.

I confess that thinking globally right now worries me… so time to double down. Time to stop whining and start appreciating. Time to keep forging connections. I think connections are building blocks for Peace. Time to celebrate when it happens. More, more, more. Peace. Peace. Peace.

Finding the Cloud Peace

I work hard to find the Peace in the little things. I believe, full-heartedly, in the importance of paying attention to the little places that we can see what’s beautiful and maybe even mend what’s broken in small and fixable ways.

But I’m not merely concerned with the little Peace of Life, celebrate it as i do.

I’m concerned about Big Peace. It has been noted that there are fewer wars in the world now than ever before. But the manner of delivering war has been perfected. And I worry that we entering a nuclear cold war era again.

I don’t want us to look at beautiful thunder clouds and start talking about clouds of war. I want us to think about becoming Clouds of Peace, stretching across the sky, watering Peace gardens and justice movements. Let us be Clouds of Beauty. Clouds of Hope. Clouds of Justice. Clouds of Peace.

We must become tireless advocates for Peace. Peace needs us… and all the people of the world need each other. Let us Peace.

Gargoyles for Peace (and dry mortar)

Man, I know utility is a good thing. But let’s hear it for whimsy. And just think, back in the day, people used both!

What’s fun is a friend sent me this piece that he wrote on the particular gargoyle that Cindi photographed. I’m going to settle in and read when I get back from my walk!

I’m going to think a bit where I can add some whimsy into my practical work. It’s time to laugh. Whimsy and laughter are good for practical Peace.

Hop On, Peter, Hop On for Peace

My brother tells a story about his granddaughter arriving in his town when a tyke. A local guy, who rides around town on a standing bike, dresses for the holidays. So Tom and Grace were riding around and he looked up and saw Peter Rabbit trundling by.

Look Grace, there’s the Easter Bunny. Grace aged 3, was completely convinced. In fact, Grace, aged 6, reminded Pappy just the other day about it: Remember Pappy when we saw the Easter Bunny?

It’ll be interesting when she gets older and has to figure out what the heck a guy was doing dressed as a Bunny.

But if you want to know what he gets up to on his off hours? he rides around Canton, PA, keeping in shape.

Peace of the Morning to you, whatever this day means… and there are so many wonderful things.