The seasons keep turning. I take incredible joy in summer… bodies in bodies of water… ahhhhhh. I’m sure I leave the town pool at the end of every summer, even knowing that I’ll be swimming the day after, with some of the same feelings I had when leaving the womb (developmental crowd, did i have feelings or just sensations?). Well, at least I was reluctant.
But every season brings its joy. The trick is to celebrate. I positively gushed about how beautiful this region is in the Spring. Wait… the fall and its colors are coming. And then the snows. Sure the storms are annoying. If the Almanac is right it’ll be a snowy one. thank goodness I have snow tires. I may actually put them on this year.
I think it’s important to find sweetness in every season and to cling to that… enjoying. Every season is too something: hot, cold, grey, snowy, polleny, rainy. But every season is astonishingly something as well: green, sultry, colorful, clean, clear, shady… Life on Earth… we’re so lucky.
Now if only we could find ways to embrace the differences in all of life and not just the seasons and the landscapes, we’d be making progress toward Peace. Let’s do that, shall we? It’s a large job… but if we each do our tiny little piece… we can do this. Peace. it’s what we’re made for.