Prepping the Pantry for Fall Peace

Just like that the weather changed. Oh, the warmth will be back, but it will be temporary. The Equinox is just around the corner, the days are getting shorter, we’ve had a drought, so the leaves are already thinking about leaving. Fall is headed our way.

That means the food is changing. Those luscious summer fruits and vegetables will be giving way to those luscious fall fruits and vegetables. But they demand a different kind of accompaniment… Time to stock up and get that pantry ready.

And time for us to think differently about Peace as well. When the sun shines and everyone’s out playing, it’s easy to be vaguely friendly. We have things to do, pools to swim in! But now, as the weather changes, we’ll be inside more. Time to stock our Peace Pantry as well as our food Pantry.

How are we going to cook up Peace this fall? What are the needed ingredients? Let’s think about this, shall we? Peace, it’s what’s good for us! And if we do our work, it could be what’s for dinner every night of the week.


Spring Equinox! Sabbath Peace!

It was a dark and stormy day… never you mind, it’s still the Vernal Equinox! It’s still Spring.It is, as is every day, a sacred gift to be unwrapped and celebrated. Stand still and be amazed!

It’s my Sabbath, day to gather with my community, day of rest and reflection.

While it may not be the day that I do the  most for Peace, it is the day I focus the most on it.

I love this sunrise pic because it’s such an everyday picture. It’s a reminder that every day matters. A new day dawns. What will we do with it? Every day arrives to be filled up with Peace or Sweetness, according to our whims.

We have such freedom here to do that. We’re not waking up in a war zone. We’re not waking up under someone else’s thumb. And yet we’re allowing our world to be filled up with such ugliness. Ugly rhetoric. Ugly actions. So let us make whatever small stands we can.

Every day. Everyday matters. Every day matters. Everyday Peace. Every day, Peace.



The Peace of the Equinox

I have a predilection for the places in between. Which is sorta funny, if you consider how black and white I can be about things…

But the Equinox: the notion that there is balance in the world is a reminder to us to look for and even create balance.

The Equinox hustled in this morning when we were sleeping at 4:21.

For all who are fasting today, I wish you a sweet and easy fast.

And I invite us all to consider, standing still around the noon hour and consider occupying just that space and observe the world around you without the stain, or shadow, if you prefer, of all your thoughts about the world. Try for a moment to watch it just be what it is without any relation to you.

Relationship is a great thing, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes it’s nice to try and see things for themselves. It may give us some ideas about how to move forward.

Forward, that is, into Peace, the ultimate Balance, the ultimate wonder. (and oh, ps, don’t forget to try balancing the egg on its fat end! Go on now, try it!)
