It started, at long last, with ice on the river. Finally. Winter was showing up. Put on all those warm clothes; it’s mitten season! Hurrah!
And then, last night, snow. Beautiful, beautiful snow.
What I love about snow, more than anything is the quiet. The world stills. it’s wonderful.
Shhhhh. It’s snowing. The Peace of a silenced world.
Yes. I know I am privileged to have warm shelter and adequate food. We’re not frightened by threats of heavy winds and blackouts in the cold. My feet are steady and so far there’s no ice. My prayers are that people be safe…
But here where I live, it is quiet.
I was a bit grumpy when, snuggled in my bed, I heard the snow blower. They’re so loud!
But then I looked out the window and he was cleaning my walks. Um hard to complain too much… Now all I have to do is keep up with the sweeping.
And the muffling snow continues… Naps! Books! Cooking! Shoveling! Delight! and oh, right… finish that sermon!
My wish for you is that there is beauty in the Winter that surrounds you. And that you are safe and warm. May you find Delight. May you find Peace.
Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow!