Allergy Peace

I’ve been having that lovely allergy feeling where you’re about 3 feet behind your brain. If I focus really hard, I can get things done, but… i have to be reeeeeeeeeeeeally focused.

But the fact is that whether I’m focused, whether it’s raining, whether I can’t seem to catch the attention of the angels who are supposed to be aligned and on my side, I am still called to work on Peace. Some days it goes more easily than others, but it is what it is.

But It’s spring, make sure you put some tissues in your bag when you pack!


Pink Moon Peace

The Pink Moon is named after a small Pink wildflower… wild phlox perhaps. It rises majestically on a beautiful pink and white world. A world where everything is new and hopeful and soft and fluffy. pretty grand, actually.

Everything seems possible in the midst of so much beauty. Even Peace. Perhaps because this weather brings so much joy, it just seems you can’t get away from the beauty, and you find yourself exclaiming in delight to whoever happens to be next to you. So, if Peace is potentially more possible now than in Winter’s cold which makes us burrow or Summer’s heat which makes us slothful. Let’s have at it. Onward. Peacemaking. Spring. (wait, let me take a claritin! ahhhhhhhhhh. that’s the ticket.)


Clinging to Peace

In the midst of Spring’s hope and promise is the cold reality of the volatility of the natural world and the hatred some people live with and impose upon the world.

It is challenging not to lump everything together into an overwhelming whole. It is important not to confuse our fears with other people’s realities. It is vital we keep doing the work we are capable of doing. There is Hope. There is Peace. There is Spring. We just have to rake the leaves away from all of them so the world can see and believe. It is slow and painstaking work. But it is the work to which we are called. All of us. Because we’re here in the midst of Life. What can we do but work for peace?


A Leafy Sabbath

Here in the East, Spring is exploding. The landscape changes hour by hour. Another cool but sunny day here intent on coaxing Spring up to speed. Take a break and pay attention. I’m going to try and take a break and take a nap… Spring’s carrying on very well without me. Peace will manage today as well!


Peace of a Sabbath on the Cusp

So many people are celebrating today. This is a day in which many find an essential piece of their understanding of the world. It gives me so much joy to know that people are aware and opening to others’ celebrations. Here in the East, in the natural world, the sweet exhalation of Spring begins. Life will be easier and perhaps more joyous in the coming month. This is the season of Joy. Air, which is the element, is scented with the flowers that the Sun is calling forth to cover the ground. Oh rejoice. Feast! Celebrate what moves your lives. Celebrate what moves your neighbors’ lives. Enjoy this lovely Sabbath. (and if peanut butter eggs make your way into your life, well, so much the better!)


The Peace of Many Celebrations

Welcome to the weekend! Religious festivals overlap in a joyous burst of New Life. In the Spring it’s not just the Christians and the Pagans together at the table, as that sweet song says, there are lots of us digging out family recipes and putting the extra leaves in the tables.

Too many folk think this is a reason to snip and snarl (when we’re not decorating eggs or hunting out our Seder plate),but this is a reason to be joyous. What ties us together is that we are all celebrating. Mother Earth is calling us all back to life. Menus may collide or need some adjustment, but may your feasts be traveling one and may you get to know your neighbors and their religious practices. May Peace break forth with the flowers and may we be the reason why. Enjoy and sweet blessings of the holidays to you. let’s see… gefilte fish, peanut butter eggs, bitter salad greens… priestess or glutton, you decide!


The Peace of Molasses

I know it’s January in which molasses is supposed to be thick and slow, but this Spring is winning records at least in our psyches. slllllllloooooooooooooow. I’m usually pretty chipper and work hard at being in the moment. Writing these morning musings keeps me grounded and looking around, and I love that. So many days, I can just get excited about how the world’s unfolding. And then I can apply that to the Peace process and then I’m my usual Pollyanna self.

But you know, it is a bit slow this year. There’s a lot of grey and a lot of cold. Luckily any snow that comes goes pretty quickly. But could the grey just go away? And if it’s going to be grey and moist, could we at least catch up on the water table. It’s hard to believe it looks like this and still the water table is down. Sheesh!

And yet, and yet, if I take this back to growing Peace, isn’t this just one more of those sticky spots where nothing seems to be happening. In fact where factions seem to be grating on one another’s nerves and everybody owns the one true answer to how Peace moves forward. And so for a while, until we learn to compromise, Peace will trudge along like the weather and like the rest of us. Peace be with us, better times are coming — because we’re going to make it so!



The Peace of Spring

Well, the calendar is finally embracing it. Sooner or later the weather will. A friend had a picture of some forsythia that she’d forced in a jar. There are tell tale signs all over. We act as if it’s about the warmth, but it’s really about the light. And there it is, poised over the equator, practicing standing absolutely still.

Soon the sun will be on the move and we can lean into Spring. If we’re talking about dreams of Peace (and aren’t we always!), it’s time to think about getting our Peace show on the road. There are so many options, but for me, I guess it’s the steady creation of community. Time to stretch out my hand and see who grabs hold.

But I encourage you to enjoy the moment. Practice balancing those eggs. Be in the moment, even if the moment is another one of those in-between places. There’s enough going on right here, no need to overbalance… not when the earth is hollering: Balance!
