Peace at the End of the Day

There are those days, those lovely busy weekend days, at the end of which your reward is to gather around the table and catch up with your friends. There was something about this photo that brought that to mind.

Sometimes the food is the focus, but often it’s a casual meal, and laughter is the bottomless dish. There are periods in your life when those meals are more common than others, but whenever they happen, they’re grand.

Community is such a delicious joy. The friends and family who people our lives on a regular basis sustain us and deepen life’s experience. It’s hard to write about without being trite and hokey.. But oh… So, when the sun goes down today, I hope this finds you with friends… If not, remember how fun it is and plot for an upcoming weekend.

The Peace of Community be with you…with us all.EverydayPeaceSaturday8Feb20

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