Hunter Moon Peace

Once again I stood with a friend at a sorting table heaped high with the gleanings from several life-times.

In the morning, we sorted clothes into piles: Yes, no, maybes. The yeses were put back into the closet. Today they’ll be sorted into summer, all season, winter (the table — my bed — wasn’t big enough for all the piles.) The nos were then sorted into tops, bottoms, pjs, winter, and then the really big pile: “nobody will ever want to wear that throw it out!” Laughing at the memories, counting my blessings, giving thanks, remembering, releasing…

An hour later, there was room in my closet! After such support, at the end of today there will be summer clothes disappeared and winter clothes appeared, which is a good thing given that the Hunter Moon has drawn all the heat from the land. Ah, seasons change.

Out to lunch and we did the same things with paper. Six feet of paper became six inches and two bags: shred and recycle and 3 items to throw away.

It was age-old work with a new theme. We were certainly readying the house for the long cold winter. (and speaking of which I think I should turn the heat on, it’s cold in here). We did it side by side making it a community transaction. I’ve done it for her. She’s done it for me. We’ve done it for someone else. It’s not the last time it will happen.

Maybe it was clearing out the emotional and physical underbrush yesterday that allowed me to stop worrying about what I might trip and actually look up to see the moon. It certainly eased some of the anxiety that is my constant companion these days. Lovely to move from my little world to the grandeur of Nature. I had a wonderful night out with friends that included food and theater, and that was lovely. And there we were, riding back home along the river after a productive, enjoyable day, looking at the Moon and enjoying the evening.


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