Fixes: The Progress Being made

When I started this site and this blog, my intention was to write about things that are working, things both small and large.

A convert to the notion that when people see things being changed —people making a difference — they, we, can more easily envision making a difference ourselves. We can argue about whether this government agency or that should be taking care of a problem that exists in our community. We will probably find it difficult to make headway on large systemic problems on our own… but headway can much more easily be made on small problems by one or more committed people. And what is really wonderful is that progress is being made all over the world by such inspired people.

We like being inspired. We rise to the occasion in the face of inspiration. We do good works, to use an outmoded phrase and notion. It makes us feel good about ourselves. There is some conversation in the medical literature (at least the small amount that I’ve read) that it makes us live longer. It also seems to be true that small successes breed larger ones. And we’re in need of successes both large and small in our world.

When I look at the mess that is our current global fiscal situation, I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how to fix that. I don’t even know how to have a good conversation about that It’s not that I don’t like the conversations. To know me is to know I like to talk. I work to understand more. But in the meantime, I choose to respond by both the doing and reporting of small on-the-ground things that work.

And so every week, I read the Fixes column in the New York Times. It inspires me. It encourages me. It gives me good suggestions about where I can send my money to do good. It makes me consider what I might do in my own community to make a difference. Today’s column by David Bornstein is no exception. Read it. Feel good. And then think of a way that you might put all your lovely knowledge to work in your community. I really believe you are just a person to make a big difference in the way the world works. And I’m very happy that you’re out there doing good things. (So, write and tell me about them, I’ll post!).

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