When Mother Didn’t

My friend, Peg Streep, has been writing for a while about Mean Mothers. She’s realized that if your Mother was less than she might have been and you’re watching the hype on FB and in advertising about how wonderful Mother’s Day is, it’s going to bring up ambivalent feelings about this holiday. What to do she wondered. Well, how about starting a Mother Yourself Saturday the day before. So she did. Wander on over to her author page on Facebook and see what people are saying. There’s a lot of information that will be rolling out there, on this, Mother Yourself Saturday’s inaugural day.

She asked me to think about it, and I did. I wrote a booklet thinking about what to do when mother didn’t, either because she wasn’t capable or wasn’t caring — there’s a lot to be said about why mother’s can’t, but not here. This is about you and how you get yourself what you need to succeed wildly — which is how we all want you to succeed and how you deserve to succeed. And in the end it comes to that, if Mother didn’t, you have to. Because not to because she didn’t wastes your life.

This is just starting. Next year it will be bigger and more organized and more people participating. This year, it’s a few brave souls saying “Wait, I want more. I want for myself. I want what good mothers give their children. And I’m going to give it to myself.” So Mother Yourself Saturday‘s what I thought about this year. What do you think?

You matter. We all do. Our gifts are needed to change the world for the better. So we’d better give ourselves what we need at that core and fundamental level. I love you.

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