Wild Chaos, Sweet Order, Sacred Peace

All very important words. Too many people think that the first two terms are in opposition with each other. But when they’re in cahoots with each other, they really work. (maybe they should be called Sweet Chaos and Wild Order!) But I say in my musing that I believe that Peace teeter-totters between the two. My guess is that the sweet spot is always moving!

Peace isn’t orderly. or should I say, Peace isn’t only orderly, it needs creativity to explode all the preconceptions of what Peace might be. But Peace isn’t only chaos. It helps to establish a foundation for Peace. You want your foundations to be well-crafted if they’re going to last. The Practical and the Possible need to keep talking to one another.

They need, in fact, to find one another beautiful.

Too often, they get shoved and maneuvered into taking sides and made to fight with one another. Only one can be “good.” Dualism. Pah! Sacred Peace requires the best of each of us. And it demands a pretty healthy sense of humor. If you’re more gifted in Chaos or Order, look for Peace Accomplices. You can’t make Peace on your own. It takes two to Tango… It takes two to Peace… and so many more! But find the balance and enjoy the ride! It’s good work. It’s good play. It’s Peacemaking!


Hope/Fear Peace

In the Tarot spread I use the most, there is a position entitled hopes and fears. The question it asks is this: Will you accept your potential?

With this position, giving in to your fears means saying no to that possibility, clinging to your fears rather than opening to life. Saying yes to hope means making plans (right now!) to make things come true. It means accepting responsibility for your future.

I completely understand the Buddha’s look at hope and fear as the twin evils. I understand how easy it is to live out of what is true now. But I am a Westerner with a Judeo-Christian sense of the word Hope. I cherish those with the courage to live as if the world were different now.

I understand how seductive our fears are and that we can obsess about them. But I also know that fear is a healthy response to things that are dangerous. When we face those fears we can make good decisions about behaviors in which we might not want to engage or strategies that can make us better able to cope with what frightens us if in fact we must engage.

But what the Buddha was pushing at, I believe, is the notion that we live in the present. Some biblical sage said it this way: “Sufficient unto the day are the troubles thereof” or as people have rephrased that “Don’t borrow trouble.” We have to stay in our day’s chaos and work our way out toward tomorrow.

Because Peace is also here. If it is chaotic then tackle a tiny corner of it and smooth that out. And then the next corner. I’m preaching to myself here, slowly working on the “but firsts!”)

And here’s what else. Celebrate your progress, because that will encourage you to make more. Every step toward Peace is a step in Peace.
