Mentoring Peace, llvl

Deb Slade posted this picture the other day, right about the time I received word that a good man had died. The picture seemed perfect, somehow, for the piece I wrote about him. I never knew Doug in his prime — but he was always prime, and wonderful. He was, as I said, a good man, a man who accepted the challenges that life offered and had a good time while doing it.

I’ll miss him. His family will miss him. A whole host of people he befriended and mentored will miss him. This community will miss his gentle, fierce, informed passion for justice.

So, I thought, why not take this opportunity to use this picture and think about others who had been mentors in my life… and ask you to reflect on yours.

I have been lucky to have quite a few of those people in my life. They’ve made me a far better person with their wisdom, laughter, and teaching. Sometimes just in the way they lived their lives.

One of the most important ways I can say thank you to those who helped me to grow is to do the same thing, to extend my hand, my heart and my wisdom to those coming along after me. It’s hard work. But it’s the work we’re called to. This is Peace-making across the generations.

Write a note to your mentors and say thank you. Write a note to your mentees and say git goin’! We’re lucky to have one another… Remembering that is a first step toward Peace.


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