Expansive, Forgiving Peace

I like tea. A lot. I spend a lot of time with it. Sometimes I’m alone. Sometimes I’m with friends. I like its taste. And I love the way the cup feels in my hand. If I’m at a meeting, it calms me and helps me be reflective. I can linger over a cup for hours.

And when their are friends, all the better.

Because of this, I don’t do well with precision teas. There are those teas that you can only steep for a few minutes. If you do more, it becomes hopelessly bitter. I like drinking those teas, but i like it when someone else prepares it. Occasionally.

And I know, that’s the way they make tea. That’ll be the way they make Peace.

But I come from messier stock. Put the kettle on, set the bread and cheese in the middle of the table and settle in. I won’t be negotiating Peace treaties. I will be having tea with all the unimportant folk who will find new ways to live in one another’s company.

And a cup of tea is a good start to that process.

I know, I know, this is the year of the Moons. I couldn’t get there with this musing. Unless we acknowledge what is true, which is that when it’s cold and snowy, a friend and a cup of tea make a lot of space for learning…

Peace, my friends. Cozy Peace. Peace as it is Peace. Peace in the time of the Sugar Moon, because what is sweeter than Peace?



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