Dawn Z. Bournand

Please introduce yourself:  Hi, my name is Dawn Z Bournand.  I am an American living in the Paris, France suburbs, a wife, mother (to three fantastic boys:  Zachary, Zander and Zayne) and entrepreneur.

I met Nancy through her Spirited Woman site about 4 years ago.  We hit it off immediately and I began writing for her original Spirited Woman blogger team.  I still do occasional guest posts and continue to work with Nancy on every occasion I get.  When Nancy told me about her idea for the Directory, I knew it was brilliant and before she could even ask me if I wanted to be a part of it, I jumped ahead of her and told her I wanted to share in all the empowering fun.  I believe Nancy chose me to be in the directory because our companies share so many of the same values most importantly that of uplifting and empowering women around the world.

Do you have a tagline for your life?  I actually have quite a few but the three that I find myself running through my head the most often are :  ‘Live your life on purpose’ (my company’s tagline), ‘Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death’ (from the wonderful movie ‘Auntie Mame’) and perhaps my absolute favorite comes from Marianne Williamson, “Your playing small does not serve the world.”

What are you doing to make the world safer, saner, healthier? And are you having fun while you’re doing it?  I am actually working on making the world a better place from both a personal and a professional standpoint.  On the personal side of things, I am striving to teach my three sons about contributing and giving back by involving them in each of our contribution choices and then encouraging them to get involved too.  I also teach my boys that they have the divine inside of them and that they are capable of anything they put their minds to.

From a professional standpoint, I teach this very same message through my company Fabulously Successful.  Am I having fun?  Oh heck yes!!!  It is so energizing to be around women when they realize that they actually can do anything they put their minds to (and they can do it so much more easily when they are surrounded by supporting, like minded people).  So often society gives us messages that we are not good enough, that we have to play by the rules and that living our passions is just a pipe dream.  To be very honest, it can be tough to break through all of these negative messages but we all can do it, we just might need support to get through the rough spots.  This is where Fabulously Successful comes in.  It is a place to come to get support, motivation and affirmation.  We all need someone on our side and through my company, I am very fortunate to be able to offer that support.

I must admit though that when you asked what am I doing to make the world a bit safer, saner, and healthier, my first quirky remark was almost safer and healthier, yes.  Saner, I am not so sure.  My mother’s motto as I was growing up was “My greatest fear is being normal”.  She has nothing to fearJ.  I was very blessed to have such an extraordinary mother who not only was a dedicated parent but who followed her passions at every turn (retired policewoman, record breaking skydiver, world traveler, pre-history/archeology fanatic, and a gifted artist).  She has been and always will be my ultimate role model.  Her quest to not be normal has led her to lead one amazing life, while always helping others, and I wish that for every woman I have the joy to come in contact with.

Tell me one great (short) story that you’ve observed where someone (maybe you) stepped up and made a difference. What did that inspire you to do?  I actually have many stories that I could share with you but I think I would like to tell you about one of the sources for my inspiration to help others from a very young age.  At around 10 years old, I became obsessed with biographies and the story that captivated me the most was that of Helen Keller.  Helen herself was an amazing woman who never let being blind, deaf and mute hold her back.  Her example showed me that the only real barriers that can hold us back are the ones we impose on ourselves.

What I found truly fascinating about Helen’s story though was how one person touched her life and ignited the spark of joyful living within her.  That person was her teacher Anne Sullivan.  Anne was able to guide Helen to a life that she may have never known if her dedicated teacher had not helped her unlock the doors that had appeared impenetrable before.  That was magic and that was and is what I want to do; to help people realize their true and magnificent potential.

5. What else do I need to know about either you or your thoughts or…  That I truly believe in every “negative situation” a seed of greatness can be found.  The Universe is conspiring with you, never against you.  Move into the flow of faith and you will begin to understand that your best interests are always at hand.

Along those same lines, I believe everything happens for a reason and that is why I am so thrilled to be a part of the Spirited Woman Directory.  This is going to be a wonderful journey for all of us involved in the project and for all of those that we are able to touch.  This project has such a good heart and purpose that we will all be uplifted by it!

6. Under which category can people find you in the directory? I am featured in Transformative Business and listed in Lifestyle.

Dawn Bournand at Fabulously Successful


3 thoughts on “Dawn Z. Bournand

  1. What a pleasure to have been interviewed by the extremely wise and talented priestess herself: Ann Keeler Evans! Ann may all the warmth, generosity and wisdom you give to others return to you ten fold!

  2. I love this series and I am so happy to read about the sensational Dawn Z Bournand on the sensational Ann Keeler Evans’ new site. May the force be with us all. Thank you both for being in my life. Nancy

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