Dancing with Delight

The other evening Steve and I watched our grandson discover fireflies. He’d seen them for the first time in Steve’s garden the night before, but this evening as twilight broke we were out in the country. The lawn around the ice cream place was awash in fireflies. AJ could not believe the beauty.

And the beauty was astonishing.

But what was amazing was his unfettered delight. He was so excited, he literally ran in circles, unable to contain himself. No one could take their eyes off him. Often when a child does something cute, everyone watches and says… awwwwwww. But this wasn’t so much an awwwwwww moment as a moment that made us remember the joys of an unguarded reaction to an ecstatic experience.

Most of us would be hard pressed to dance to wonder’s rhythm. Most of watching a young boy that evening, were probably saddened by that realization. I hope some of us were also stirred open.

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