Trusting Peace, llvl

A friend of mine was discouraged the other day by what are truly sad signs about people’s willingness to participate in their well-being. It’s not that I don’t get it. It’s not that I don’t go there myself some times. What IS wrong with folk?

But I know, because I know what she does, that she makes an incredible difference. And I know some of her friends. We make a difference too. We’re maybe not changing huge swaths of the world, but we’re changing what’s around us. We’re in the positions that we are, because that’s how we make the most change. Other people band together and make big sweeping changes, we’re little lights in the snow, homing beacons perhaps. Beacons of Love. Beacons of Peace. It’s hard, but good work.

June Jordan, once more: We do what we can…

So, remember, my friend, take heart. Your work matters and makes a difference. I believe mine does as well. Sometimes I can see it as clearly as I see your work, as clearly as I see our friends’ and our colleagues’ work. Gently I remind us all; stoutly I defend us all. The word stoutly surprised me… but it was the right one….

We do what we can, and that matters. Peace isn’t straightforward… it bobs and weaves and gets backslid… but we have to trust ourselves in its arms and trust our passion to bring it to fruition. Peace be with you. Peace be with us all. Peace may we be.


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