Peaceful Snuggling

Snuggling is a great thing. Whether you snuggle in with someone you love or down with a good book in your favorite nest of blankets, it’s a lovely lovely thing.

This pup of Dagny’s is a “resettled” pup, if she’s the pup I think she is. And she was leery when she first came to live with Dag… but then she got it. This was her forever home.

That’s where I started the musing. But it’s not where I ended up. I ended with the realization that this is what the Syrian refugees are seeking. You grow up somewhere, thinking it’s home. And then it is not. And then there is no safe place to lay your head. Or to put your children down to sleep. They are in exile from that safety.

Thank all that is holy, I have never had to worry about this. I have always had the luxury of snuggling in.

Does it matter to me that there are those who don’t have that luxury? Does it matter enough to try to make a difference? We’ll see… It’s another way to discover how committed I am, really, to Peace. Do I care enough to do what I can?
