Gathering for Peace

Well, this was certainly a gathering I’d have enjoyed — fish-breath notwithstanding.

A pod of pelicans, sitting on the sandbar, enjoying the company, basking in the sun, contemplating life and the bounty of the ocean.

Some days there are troubles to deal with. Some days your job is simply to give yourself over to gratitude.

Let’s revel in the moments of Peace we have, It fuels us to make more!

Find your own little sandbar of Peace and enjoy the world!


Reveling in the Peace of Advent

Happy Holidays! All of them! I love this season for so many different reasons that I did as a child. (although Santa, still love me some Santa) I love the Dark. I love this cold quiet time of the year. Tiny sparkly lights whether in the sky or on trees are an additional pleasure, but… just the Dark.

And then there are all those moments. Some are simply solemn. Others are joyfully festive.

But I take this period seriously… It’s the end of a year, time to take account. It’s the beginning of a new with hopes for something better, something more, something Peace. My job today is to revel in that. To let that sense of wonder vibrate through me like the sound of a bell in the cold dry Winter.

Peace needs us. It needs us, it seems, more than ever. It’s on us to appreciate the Peace we have and to keep it growing

Alternative Advent for December 17: 5¢ for every reusable water bottle in your house (or car!).
