Peace on the Wind

I’ve decided to worry less about my own requirements this year and focus a bit more on what the world needs. What we need is Peace. There are as many ways to build Peace as there are humans… and probably some exponentially larger number of possibilities from the way things grow when dreams intersect. If this is true, in any way, then everything that happens is a clarion call for Peace. The Earth provides her own… I love the Christmas Carol: I heard the bells… I think those bells ring all the time, but I believe they carry farther in that cold crisp air… Peace, do you hear the summons?

Frozen Words of Peace

Having committed to a year of “prosing” about Peace… and having found a new structure, it’s interesting to see what images arise to fill that structure. I like the notion of our Peace dreams slowly building from concept to completion, using each month’s strong points to help us construct our dreams, our work and our world of Peace. So, starting with little crystalline Peace “seeds” that are short lived but visible witnesses to our beginnings captured my imagination.


Peace Be With You All Year

Oh, my friends, Happy 2013. Or perhaps more correctly, let’s make this a happy 2013. It is up to us. We get to decide to be happy and we get to decide if we’re going to work for Peace. This year in my musings, I’m going to explore how what each of the months have to contribute to the process of Peace-making. It is time. It is the great work of our lives…

For each of us, it’s a different work and a different life, but the paths all head toward Peace. Yours and mine will meet and diverge… but with a great deal of will, there will be enough company along the journey to help us know how very lucky we are. Open your hearts and minds and dream deeply of Peace. Lots of happiness along the way!

First “best day” of the summer

Summer offers us the opportunity to linger outside and enjoy the world’s gifts. Lingering is an art that requires practice. And summer is a season that demands enjoyment. The first fruits of the garden are beginning to appear. Pools are open. Flowers are flourishing. The kids are home from school. Even some businesses have decided to get in on the act and close early on Fridays.

So… take advantage.

It may be the the whole of my message in the course of this year is in the following sentence: Be present to what’s in your life. As the seasons keep turning there continues to be wonderful opportunities to linger in the bounty…

And best days? Every single one should be one! Well, ok, almost every single one! Because, this is the gift we’ve been given, afforded… whatever verb works for you. Here we are!

Hope it’s a great day!

Living the good life

I understand, believe me I do, that our differing beliefs lead us to different conclusions about what happens at the end of what we know as life.

Having written that sentence, I’m a bit stymied about how to phrase the but… and i don’t know that it is a but. Maybe it’s just a different sentence altogether.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. Enjoyed. Cared for. And by living to the fullest, I don’t mean lived at someone else’s expense, or even at the expense of your own sense of self or spiritual well-being. I mean experienced, embraced. I mean using our passions to change the world into a paradise on earth. Not by your rules but by Love’s.

Friends, Glorious Friends

OK, I admit it. I’m a friend addict. I have a dazzling array of wonderful friends. Each of you brings something different and wonderful to my life. Today’s technology means that I have tiny glimpses into so many of your lives, it gives us a dailiness that distance and time don’t permit.

Facebook doesn’t lend itself to long luxurious conversations, but it does allow you to know that if you haven’t picked up the phone regularly or scheduled that long luxurious lunch or the short intense cup of tea, when you need to do that.

Friends and friendships need tending. They take work. But the dividends? My sister Deb and I were talking the other day about a Girl Scout song. Trite? You betcha! True? Bingo.

C’mon, all together now: Make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.

And there’s your earworm for today! Enjoy it. Call a friend.

It is enough!

There on that lane — in the aftermath of a day — filled with — ritual — poetry —my beloved — good friends — and good food — I shouted my thanks to the Universe! — It would have been enough.

Sunday was a day of completion for me, but also of high notes. I read poetry with My Beloved Drummer and we rocked the house. I did a farewell service for dear members who are leaving the congregation and everyone did amazing things and the service worked. It had been an enormous push to get ready for these two events, but they were well worth the effort. I napped. I went over to a friend’s house. We ate and watched the birds do the same. And then there was that slow drive home. Catching myself noticing, I reminded myself that every day is filled with such beauty. I just have to pay attention.

Please sign up for the musings if you’re not already getting them. 6 more months of a year’s worth of daily prayers. Coming your way.

Thunder and Lightning

Today’s musing was about the majesty of summer thunderstorms. I do love them. I love the cool breeze in the midst of the hot evenings. I love the wind and the rain. It all makes me feel, as the song goes, “strangely alive.”

And yet, in my musing on my musing, I have to reflect on the changing weather patterns and the incredibly dangerous storms that are sweeping our country. In Central PA tornadoes were every 25 year occurrences. Now we’re frequently under warning. last year, 60 yards south of my brother-in-spirit’s house a tornado ripped out trees and off roofs. (and that was before the 100 year flood.) since then we’ve been on tornado watch quite a few times. So, I probably need to consider and refine my stance on greenhouse gasses and my casual consumption.

And I also remembered, only after pressing the send button, that I have a friend whose brother was struck by lightening. Everyone’s lives in that family changed in that instant. So the glory is tempered by the reality. And there’s the need always in my writing to keep pushing deeper until the essence is there and as many wounding edges as possible are removed.

When Utah Phillips was developing a story, at a certain point, he would take that story to his committee, a group of (hooray) Unitarian women, who would help him pick out the essence of what was funny and eliminate the denigrating. After a while he didn’t need them so much, because picking stuff apart stretches your awareness.

So, what’s the take away? The thrill is real. The thrilling is dangerous. The dangers seem to be increasing. And the dangerous really is dangerous and can change lives in a heartbeat.  And the poet needs to keep stretching the gift…

What Fear May and May Not Be.

“Fear is not a betrayal of faith. It is simply a warning that risk is involved.” My friend, Jean Benefield Pinto plucked these words out of today’s musing. As with many broad statements (and although poetry can be incredibly nuanced, in a few short lines, you’re likely to be guilty of some hyperbole!), there’s a lot more to be said about fear.

Our world abounds with unhealthy fear that is sold to us by advertising and newspapers. Fear sells, it seems, far better than joy. And so we see story after story and post after post that give us reasons to be afraid. Too many of us are afraid of too many things — and many of them things that are not real in our lives. When we’re constantly afraid, we should talk to someone about that. And, let me point out, there’s no reason to be afraid about talking to someone!

But fear has a purpose in our lives. It is there to serve as a warning. We’re supposed to pay attention. This musing was inspired by an earlier musing I wrote about telling the truth. Driving to work that Sunday, I realized that I was lying to myself about something important in my life. I was lying because looking at the truth was terrifying. Until I could admit the terror, I couldn’t face the problem and take steps to move along toward a solution. The problem’s not solved, but the anxiety is reducing because I’m working my way out.

My facing the terror and saying it out loud (which is where I process) before there were any solutions caused consternation among friends. But I didn’t need a change of attitude. I needed a different goal and some different ways of doing things. None of those things were going to happen before I allowed myself to say… Oops! Fear. Because after all, I’m the Priestess, I’m supposed to have it all together, eh? Right. not so much.