First “best day” of the summer

Summer offers us the opportunity to linger outside and enjoy the world’s gifts. Lingering is an art that requires practice. And summer is a season that demands enjoyment. The first fruits of the garden are beginning to appear. Pools are open. Flowers are flourishing. The kids are home from school. Even some businesses have decided to get in on the act and close early on Fridays.

So… take advantage.

It may be the the whole of my message in the course of this year is in the following sentence: Be present to what’s in your life. As the seasons keep turning there continues to be wonderful opportunities to linger in the bounty…

And best days? Every single one should be one! Well, ok, almost every single one! Because, this is the gift we’ve been given, afforded… whatever verb works for you. Here we are!

Hope it’s a great day!

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