Where’s your Peace Path

I don’t think I knew until I really looked at this photo that there was a place that was so deeply familiar to me… and my family… But when I saw that picture, my heart skipped a beat and then expanded…

It was even sweeter to be looking at it next to my grandson and realizing that we could promise one another to take a walk on this path…

So man people in my life are gone, but there are those coming along… and there’s still time to make the path sacred to them as well…

Find your Peace path, and walk it… walk it together with your family… it’s stuff that brings a family together…


Homes of Comfort and Peace

I’ve been thinking a lot about what the home of a spiritual community looks like since mine is about to (finally, at long last!) buy their building.

It’s never seemed important until now, but not only are we growing, but it feels as if we’ll need a place that can serve as refuge in the time ahead. Refuge to us; refuge to others. We don’t have a kitchen, our bathrooms aren’t as accessible as they should be. Spiritual Homes should offer all the amenities.

And in these tumultuous times, I’m aware (you’d think I’d think about this more, given I’m the preacher lady) how essential the role of the religious community is, to the community itself, to the wider community, and to the individual.

So, a building, with a good path… free of ice and snow in the winter… seems like a lovely luxury on the Peace journey… because there we can find comfort and Peace ourselves and offer it to our neighbors…