Hold that Door for Peace!

I love the open invitation of this picture. Watching a news clip the other day, I was awed watching the open invitation the Canadian police offered Somali residents as they fled the US.

I was stunned and saddened by that. I have, I guess, a Pollyanna outlook towards my country. Even though I know of many people whose lives were not as privileged as mine, I know that in my brain, not in my heart… which stupidly persists in saying “All are welcome.”

Well, it’s never been true. all are not equally welcome. But to see people fleeing for what they believe — and may be— is their lives… that is sobering. Because the Somali refugees have already fled. They have already been not safe. They recognize this.

I believe, as a person of faith and as an American, in radical hospitality. It is the bedrock of my faith…

So the question becomes what will I do to keep the door open in invitation. How will I let people know? How will I be working to create the US I believe in? How will I be calling for, working for, Peace? How will you? What can we do alone. What can we do together. Peace needs us.

Iced Tea Peace

Nothing gives me more pleasure than a pitcher of cold tea in the fridge … other than perhaps a thermos jug that still has ice tinkling inside. For some reason, I have been sporadic in my tea making this summer. But right now, I have one of those jugs sitting on the counter in my kitchen, and I’ve been running back and forth for two days, filling my glass. (my haven’t they changed jugs for the better, there’s still ice in there this morning!)

Not having tea all ready is actually a sign of my not taking very good care of myself. I caught myself doing a couple half-baked measures that pointed toward iced tea… wound up with cool rather than cold… but finally… or rather again!

That pitcher of tea also makes me more hospitable… Here, c’mon in, sit down, have a glass. We need to encourage whatever it is that makes us feel so at home at home that we want to invite others in… Opening our hearts, our home, extending our hospitality to others is a huge and important first step on the way to Peace. Having a jar of tea in the fridge makes that huge step much, much smaller…

So, for me, there really is a connection between Iced Tea and Peace that moves beyond my own enjoyment of a peaceful glass of tea on the porch… What is the food or drink that most invites you to open… your heart and your home? We need to capitalize on any cues for Peace we can find…
