Sailing Peace

I’m going to spend the month reflecting on the two weeks I was privileged to spend in Alaska. There was so much to take in, and I had decided to go computer free, so I wasn’t writing there, I was just experiencing. For the same reasons, I didn’t take many pictures, although I may find some to share eventually. A couple people are going to make us discs…

This initial taking off was extraordinary. My sister Deb and I were at the front of the ship, high over the water, watching everything that was going on. We sailed in a fairly narrow channel, waving to people on shore and looking up at an extraordinary bridge as we edged out into the open water. It was wonderful.

I wanted to let you know that this month’s mandala by Nancy Cleaver is entitled Gates of Peace. She says, “This piece invites us to enter into the center of a new world beyond conflict. It reminds me of Japanese sword guards that were used ceremonially, not for weaponry. The gate could open in numerous ways, depending on where you are in relation to the image.” I love the piece and I loved the notion of the gate… I’m looking forward to being able to write about this because there’s been so much going on, that I haven’t been able to think about all I saw and experienced. I’d like to do that with you. While it’s true that we went in June and I’m writing in July, the beauty and the endless sunlight will not change much.

I have the feeling that I’ll see Peace through new eyes as a result of this trip.


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