Meet Spirited Woman: Vicki Lickorish, Life Coach

1. Please introduce yourself:

Hi, my name is Vicki Lickorish, and yes, it is my real name! (hee-hee I guess it takes all sorts to be sweet!!)
I’m originally from a small town called St.Helens town just outside of Liverpool here in the UK. I now live in the stunningly beautiful village of Brinklow Warwickshire, not far from Stratford upon Avon, yes Shakespeare country!
I am an intuitive life guide, empowerment coach, motivational speaker, storyteller, soul healer, author, wife, and mum to my very special son!
I have had many ups and downs throughout my life which have all guided me to be who I am today!

2. Do you have a tagline for your life?

I have a favourite mantra that I share with everyone, so I guess it is my tag line! It’s also my approach to life  Relax…Let it Go…Go with the Flow  Such a  great way to approach all aspect s of life, after all change is the only constant, so no point worrying and hanging onto the past, all it does is stop the flow!

3. What are you doing to make the world safer, saner, healthier? And are you having fun while you’re doing it?

I am passionate about building connections and encouraging others to do.
I run a Community Soul Group, were a group of us meet up in person and chat about lots of different aspects of life from many varied perspectives, this group has expanded globally via the internet, got to loVe the powerful connections that can be made thanks to the resources we have right at our finger tips.
Do I have fun doing it…oh boy YES! I’m such an avid believer in laughter being the best medicine and letting that inner child come out to play!

4. Tell me one great (short) story that you’ve observed where someone (maybe you) stepped up and made a difference. What did that inspire you to do?

A few years ago I worked with deaf and disabled adults with extreme challenging behaviours (or so they were labeled, but that’s another story!)
I loved my work and all of the people I shared my time with, they became such a big part of my life and taught me so much on a completely different level.
Anyway, while I was working in that job, I was also planning my wedding!
I shared the excitement with the ‘girls’ I was working with, these people were my friends and what do you do with your friends, you share your excitement!
I arranged a visit with a very understanding lady who owned bridal wear shop so my friends and I could go take a look and try on wedding dresses, it truly was a day to remember, and we all had so much fun!
We had a pre wedding party…oh we loved to party, it was just so magical to see the happiness, joy and excitement these people were experiencing.

Now, despite some very mixed reactions, I invited everyone who I worked with to my wedding.
It was amazing and so much fun; everyone had an amazing time, let me tell you it was such a gift to me to see them all so happy!
I have to admit to being a little shocked by the reaction of some of our other guests and their questions, such as, “Why are they dancing, they are deaf?” and  “Why have you invited ‘those’ people to your wedding, they shouldn’t be out like this?”
I was horrified by the reaction, but let me tell you, by the end of the evening, everyone, and I mean even the most hardened of ‘doubters’ had change their minds!
Once I had  explained to them a little about the frequencies and vibrations and just how much joy and happiness can make such a HUGE impact on everyone’s live, especially the ones who are shunned by society, labeled and hidden away.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” spoken by Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird.

6. Under which category can people find you in the directory?

You can find out more about me in the Coaching category in the totally amazing Spirited Woman Directory, Resources for an Inspired Life!
What a powerful little resource of inspired stories it is, it’s so much more than just a directory, and I feel so honoured to be a part of its launch.

loads of loVe
Vicki Lickorish

4 thoughts on “Meet Spirited Woman: Vicki Lickorish, Life Coach

  1. Love this profile. Thank you Ann for sharing Vicki’s story with us. I now love her even more than I did before. What a beautiful story about her wedding and how telling of what her soul is made of!

  2. This is so wonderful. Your wedding story Vicki is just so wonderful, that I am crying as I read it. Ann, the way you have phrased these questions is so thoughtful. What poignant answers. My heart is swelling. Nancy

  3. All we need is loVe with a captial V for Vicki. If everyone would invite just one ‘Misfit’ to their party/ wedding/ events, education levels would rise so drastically. Thank you Vicki for being you, I love you!

  4. Thank YOU Ann for sharing my story.
    Dawn, Nancy and Barbara…Thank YOU for reading!
    My wedding was such a special day in so many ways for so many people, I’m just glad I could share it with the people who meant so much to…after all, weddings are a celebration and we all loVe to celebrate!
    loads of loVe to you ALL…V.xx

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