Holy Daze Peace, llvl

It’s the problem, isn’t it, with the holidays. We spend so much time as automatons, doing this, doing that, getting this done, getting that done that we forget the whole holiness angle. It doesn’t matter what your tradition or belief, there is something mystical and magical about the Dark. Stars! Snow! Beauty! ahhhhhhhh.

Instead, we tend to think about it, hunched up in our coats against the cold as an inconvenience… one more inconvenience… as we truck along trying to check things off our list.

Let’s try and give the Mysterious a 50-50 shot this year, what do you think? Let’s notice how incredibly beautiful it is. How meaningful the celebrations. Let’s toss the damned to-do lists and invite people over for mulled wine, or hot chocolate or a simple cup of tea.

Or make a date and go for a walk in the cold dark night. Look at the stars of the softly falling snow. Let’s not call back the light until we’ve lingered in the dark…

And help me (and probably you) remember that I have not been unfairly singled out by the Universe because I HAVE to deal with the batteries in my smoke alarms’ running out. It’s just what happens in the course of life. Let us be like the ducks in Deb’s picture. Finding our Peace in the Winter… Oh, Deb, the things you see!



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