Books can give us Peace. They can stir us to pursue Peace.
It’s all quite wonderful.
My whole life books have been companion, refuge, friend and inspiration.
I have some books that I read over and over again because the characters in them are comfortable friends. I always laugh. I always cry. In the same places. I often discover something I’ve discovered before and forgotten just how much it soothes/pleases/stirs me. I read them at night to settle my brain. I read them during the day to move between one project and the next.
I have some books I’ll read only once, even though i may have underlined or dog eared it. Yes, I do that. it’s my book. It helps me remember what it’s teaching me.
There are other books I move out of my house because they are not “my” books.
There are so many ways I make Peace with books in my life.
And then there are those books that push me to think, to dream, to do something about a situation that needs attention. Ah, I cherish them as well.
What do they do for you those books on your shelves, or on your bedside table, or on a pile on the floor beside your favorite chair or in a corner?
Peace. Let’s open those pages and find it. Let’s close those books and make it!