Love the Sturm und Drang, Could Use A Little Rain Peace

Back here in Central PA, we’ve only received about three-quarters of our annual rainfall. I’ve never seen the river and creeks this low.

And yet we’ve spent the summer with enough humidity in the air that seems to have no interest in making rain.

We, with a big finger point toward myself, need to be thinking about water conservation as well as other techniques to slow down global warming.

Water is precious… Everyone deserves clean water although an astonishing number of people live without it. People worry, and not without reason, that our next wars will be about water.

We need to get involved with our communities and work for good water treatment plants and processes. We need to stop using water bottles — even for special occasions.

We must make Peace with water needs so that all the people may flourish. We must care for our Earth enough to make a difference in the environment…
