Just because I’m working hard to get everything ready for The Spirited Woman 2012 Directory: Resources for an Inspired Life doesn’t mean I get to slack off as the Priestess!
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been watching community form around this directory. What’s very interesting and inspiring is that so much of the work being done is being done to help someone else. Or to welcome them. Or to praise them.
All of these women are women who want to increase their visibility or make their bottom line grow. But when Nancy Mills, who conceived of this project, she began to talk about all of us as Women Visionaries, changing the world. And you know what? Words have power. We begin to believe that not only we can change the world, but also that it is our obligation. So you might see hands stretching out from Kenya to Kansas and change happening. And that will be a wonderful thing.
Starting on the first, I’m going to interview some of these women, asking them about the places they want to make a difference. It will be interesting to see what they have to say.
In the meantime, Keep building that World of Peace, Village by Sacred Village.