There is always more, we know that. More comfort, more Love, more Peace…
But every once in a while, you notice someone’s reveling in the enough-ness of Life. It’s good to stop and think in those moments about what’s enough in your life and whether you appreciate those things.
Right now, the grass is very sweet and tender in the fields. Every single animal I saw was having a good time, eating what was there. Occasionally someone would look around for a bit, and then go right back to the grass buffet.
Today, I’ll write, I’ll swim, I’ll meet with my women’s clergy group, a good friend, go with my husband to a doctor’s appointment, write some more, clean a little and then go listen to great music before falling contentedly into bed. Whether I choose to let it be enough is really up to me. May I remember to value each moment in my privileged happy life. And each time I remember to do that… life gets sweeter. What a great thing! Be present, count your blessings, enjoy. Happy, glorious day of enoughness!
Indeed it is.