Supporting Peace in Advent and Every Single Day

If Peace is what I long for and speak for and work for, then I must have support for that work.

I must find internal support โ€” for me that’s my spiritual practice. As an extrovert and an activist, I don’t always find enough time for my practice. Oh it was sweet yesterday to walk the labyrinth on the Solstice. Remember Ann, remember. find time for that.

And then there is the community. I am so joyful at the community support and interaction that I enjoy โ€” and that I’ve finally figured out how to live in that. I’ve always been such a loner… not an easy characteristic for an extrovert!

But supporting: both being supported and being supportive. Both of these are crucial to our quest for Peace โ€” and Peace on Earth and with the Earth is crucial to our well-being.

Supporting Peace. During Advent and the rest of the year.

Alternative Advent – December 22: 20ยข for every meal you ate in a restaurant this week.
