Sailing Away and Staying Here for Peace

My first thought about this photo was that it was a temptation, but i think it’s more likely simply a reminder…

From time to time — on a regular basis — it’s important to get away from everything.

Finding our own Peace as we’re working for Peace is important.

It’s important as we consider the value of each precious life, that we consider the value of our own precious lives. We all need time away if we’re going to be effective at our work and in our personal lives.

And oh, doesn’t this boat and the cove in this lake make you think that, casting off for a sail is a good idea? There are some temptations which are not merely idle; some, like this invitation to breathe the air out on the water, offer a call to Life and an understanding of the Peace that reminds us that Peace is vital to the world.

Sail away, indeed! Peace it up!
