Sharing Chocolate for Peace

Sigh. When it’s as beautiful as the chocolate in this photo, it’s hard not to hoard it…

But, no, really, I usually share. Usually!

Thinking about this made me laugh. I remember one time when there was a big break-up in my life. (oh, thank god such drama is behind us!) But it had been on the BF’s birthday.

There was champagne. There were truffles. I’m sure I was devastated. However, next thing you know, there were friends sitting around laughing their heads off drinking champagne and eating those truffles. It was in the long run, a much better use of those little bombs of deliciousness!

It’s silly. sometimes I won’t share even with myself. I’ll ration it out so long that I lose interest.

Although these look mighty tasty… Damn that Terri and her beau George make some good looking food!

Chocolate aside. The Love stuff? It’s better when we find new ways to Love. More love. More better! Or as my nephew used to say More Betterer! Peace is built on Love. It could probably be built on chocolate that looks like this, if only some of us (sigh, ahem) were willing to share! So we wonder. What does Peace Chocolate taste like…
