Local Valentine Love and Peace, llvl

I’m very lucky, my SweetPea is a pretty smushy kinda guy, so my day started out with a Will You Be My Valentine call. Sigh.

But after years of being single, happily, blessedly single, here’s to my girlfriends who have always been the root of my life.

And now after more than a decade living in this little River Valley, let me lift a glass to the love of a community. As we’re talking at the UUCSV about our becoming The Valley Where No Child Goes Hungry, I’m getting the most wonderful responses from friends and acquaintances… a let’s do this rather than a WTH?????

And then there’s my readership from many other places, who write and say this is how I’m falling in love in my life, with my life. Hurrah!

And finally, because she’s changed a way of thinking about and talking about women’s bodies, here’s to Eve Ensler and more annual performances of the Vagina Monologues than we can imagine. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah.

Love is in the air, and in the ground, and in the water and in the sky. Let us rejoice and make Peace and Love!


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