Homebody Peace, llvl

I always say I love to travel. And I do… after a fashion. I’m more adventurous with someone I love… but otherwise, I’ve realized that I travel to places I feel at home.

There are some places I’d love to see, but I keep thinking… oh, I could use that time and money to see people I love.

I think I like traveling to places where I know where the teacups are kept and I don’t have to say “Mother, may I?” to put the kettle on…

Sometimes it’s hard to settle all these lovely pictures of home into their puzzle but for me it’s worth the struggle. These places add to who I am, they inform me and my world view and they let me loll about in Love, sweet Love…

I’ve needed Sweden and my sense of home here in Kristinehamn after Deb’s death. In particular, Lorraine is home to me… she’s known me so long, so consistently. I hadn’t cried with her since my mom died, since Deb died. In her presence it was safe to look at how big the loss has been because in her presence my heart is filled.

Home, where who I am makes a difference… because Home is the easiest place to make a difference.

Thanks, my Swedish Friends, for the cups of tea and chats about things that matter and things that amuse. Hello, my Central PA friends, I’m coming home. Home to where we care about what happens to kids with no weekend foods. Home where we can imagine being the Valley with No Hungry Children. Home to where the blues and Jazz run Susquehanna cool and refreshing. Home where my love lives. Home where my friendships are also deep and true… Home where I know where lots of you keep your teacups…


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