Disappointments in Peace, llvl

It was a bad day for Peace yesterday. Gunmen everywhere. Our slow awakening to the realities and the effects of racism — and not there, but right here… and then last night, right here in my little Paradise, fear’s rigid untruths trump Love’s hospitality.

It feels like No Gays welcome here. And for some, it is. But for others it’s a dawning revelation that hatred has legs and wings and words. And that we need to push that vitriol aside with Love. Loving invitation for those left out in the cold. Loving refusal to allow hatred houseroom. Loving witness to the power of acceptance. Screw tolerance. People are who they are and they are children of Creation. And no God, I say that fearlessly, no God, calls us to hatred and exclusion. And the God they worship actually calls them to let God do the judging. People are mighty quick to parse finely the parts of Scripture they’re beating to death and ignore the other sweeping injunctions… but that’s another rant…

So let us offer encouragement to those who battle. Let us comfort those whose Love was shown to be unwelcome. I refuse to cast this as a war (such a filthy, little grasping word.) Love is. Peace is. The more we can be and do those things, the more ridiculous and impotent their hatred. And that’s what we want.

So despite the disappointment that came after I wrote these words. I stand by the beauty of what i saw of who these people are. Bah humbug on the haters. Let not your hearts be troubled: Love is the reason for the season. Don’t forget that. Peace on Earth! Joy to the World. You are a star of Wonder.



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