We Must Be the (Fusion) Peace

My dears,

Orlando. Peace be upon it. LGBTQA folk, Peace and comfort be with you.

Our world. We must be that Peace. One fragile population, we will be with you.

This was such a happy picture with such a lovely wish, what if we all melded as easily as our cuisines. And here today it becomes something fateful.

We must come together in Peace. We must stand up for those who are oppressed. We must stand for commonsense gun laws.

I cannot linger with you this morning, there’s a vigil to plan. May Peace be with us. May we be the Peace with the world.

Blessed be, Ann


Ending with Peace; Beginning with the Same

Peace. It’s what we need.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m just naive or blind… beating just this drum… am I doing enough to make Peace happen or just dreaming about it.

But then I think, I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know another answer. Black lives matter — we must Peace. Let the Syrian refugees come — we must Peace. Hungry Children — Peace. The safety of our Muslim sisters and brothers  — Peace. Women. LGBTQA People. Everyone imperiled. Every marginalized soul. Our sweet Earth. Peace.

So Peace, my friends. Let’s build at it. let’s make our little hometowns and Valleys and Plains sweet places to be. Let’s connect them. Pull a string of need, any string. And let’s Peace.

Thank you for the joy you gave me in 2015. Thanks for looking forward into 2016. I hope you have a happy, healthy, prosperous Year, filled with Peace and Peace making.

Thank you, my dear friend Lorraine Rantala, for your lovely lunar shots. I am sorry to leave them… I loved living with them… loved knowing where the Moon was and what it was up to. we’ll see tonight whether I can let go of that or not!

Love and Blessings, Ann
