In Search of Peace and Singing Goats

Birds gotta fly, goats gotta sing…

E.G. took a couple of these pictures, so apparently nosy goats try all sorts of ways to figure out what that silver thing is that result in pictures that look like the goat is a 40s crooner! And now for mellow tones of…

Goats are friendly, pushy folk to have around you… and they’re full of Love.

E.G. Kight is going to take us to some interesting places this month, beautiful parts of the US… and there will be a couple out of season shots…

It’s helpful to have things in our life that give us simple joy… and that, when pictured, give others the same spontaneous joy and laughter. Goofy goats are among those things.

Let’s keep finding the commonalities, in a world that wants us to be at odds with each other!

Peace can some times be encouraged by the shared laughter at goofy (crooning) goats. We need to encourage Peace every way we can. The goats don’t need any encouragement. Thanks for the tune, Tiny Tim!